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Hey Patrons!

I'm excited to share my latest artwork for "Bunny Day" coming up on August 2nd! This piece features Ami Mizuno, our beloved Sailor Mercury, undercover in a cute blue bunny suit. Naturally, things take a twist, and she ends up captured!

Hope you enjoy this playful scene! It's a continuation of my experimentation with multi-panel artwork.

I asked for your feedback on what color Ami's tights should be—light-blue, dark, or skin tone—and light-blue was the popular choice, so that's what you'll see featured. I also created a fishnets variant and a dialogue variant.

Update 7/27/2024: Added an eye variant for the chloro panel.




Adore this

Mountain Echos

Love it! Of course the back story of just why she, and probably Makoto, are in bunny suits would be fun. Oh and a lively discussion between Makoto and Minako about who has the most 'talent'.


Very sexy. I think I like the bare-legged version the most.


any chance 2 request bare legs w/ no gag?


From all Sailor Senshis, Mercury is best damsel material.

Mad Man with a Pen

SC, the Ami as the Sailor Bunny there turned out amazing. Love the light blue and darker blue tights versions. I think they perfectly compliment her colors, and of course, I’m always going to endorse tights. Her bunny costume looks great and would be fun to see some other Senshi in their versions. Of all the versions, the sleepy-eyed text version is my favorite. Those sleepy eyes are perfect as she inhales the fumes, getting weaker, and sleepier. Her final tied up pose and the reveal of her true identity there are perfect too. Excellent work on this one.


Nice art, just I don't get that, why has Ami red nails?