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  • 222-20240817-spider-gwen captured by mysterio.mp4



I’m excited to share my latest creation—a brand-new piece featuring Spider-Gwen caught in the clutches of Mysterio! She’s under his illusion spell, peacefully sleeping as the master of illusions plots his next move. But what makes this piece extra special is that it’s animated! 🎉

This is my second full animation, and I really pushed myself to add more movement this time. I learned how to animate hair, a flowing cape, and even limb movements. This is an ongoing process, and I'm proud to be learning so much.

That said, animating the smoke took way longer than I expected, but I think it was worth it in the end. The entire piece took about 13 hours.

I'm also attaching a full-resolution MP4 video, which has camera panning and a bit of mysterious music (from freesound.org.)

Enjoy, everyone!



Zachary Rivard

That is awesome! Great work and love the dialouge.

Mad Man with a Pen

SC, this animation is brilliant :) Gwen’s just utterly defeated pose, cradled in Mysterio’s arms is perfect. Just love how you captured how limp and weak she is. Out cold from his sleeping gas. Lovely looking details with her hair and her parted lips. Just a perfect sleepy spider there. The gas, shine on Mysterio’s helmet, and his villainous post in victory all just add to the piece. And I absolutely love the dialog choice too! It’s the perfect cap to like the end of an issue or episode. Makes me want to write something from this, which is always a sign I dug something. Excellent work with the animations and thanks for the hard work.