Lyn Bound and Gagged (Fire Emblem) - Completed (Patreon)
2018-09-22 14:00:01
2018-09-23 00:01:22
My Fire Emblem drawing for the month is complete. Here's a small resolution preview; I'll be sending out the larger resolution at the end of the month. I've gotten lots of requests for other Fire Emblem girls, and some of them are quite interesting to me! Some future characters I've considered:
Clair (Fire Emblem Echoes), Ilyana, Eirika, Tana, Clarine or Shanna.
Do you guys have a preference for bondage or knockout scenes? I've been trying to alternate between them, but if there's a strong preference I can take it into consideration.
My Patreon page now has 21 subscribers. I'm very close to hitting my first goal of $100 a month. If I reach that goal, the next thing you'll be seeing from me is comics. That's right. I will draw comic sequences of your favorite characters in peril.
Thanks for your support!