Defenders #25 - Valkyrie Unconscious (Patreon)
How's everyone doing these days? Following recent events in the U.S.? There's a massive protest happening right now regarding black lives and police brutality. I won't go too much into the topic, as you've likely already read so much on social media.
Let's all try to do our best to treat other fellow human beings better.
For June's first piece of art, I actually have a piece that's kind of relevant to current events. Have you guys ever seen The Defenders #25:
The cover features a lovely Valkyrie, upside down and tied to a cross. She's unconscious and about to be burned by a group called The Sons of the Serpent. I didn't know what this villain group was, until I dived into the story.
Apparently its a white supremacist group. These villains would go around talking about eliminating the lesser races and how the white race is superior. It's fascinating how Marvel Comics incorporated such a serious topic into a comic story. The Sons are able to defeat Valkyrie and some of her allies, leading to the situation you see on the classic cover.
I wanted my artwork to be a variant of this cover. It shows Valkyrie in the arms of one of the villains, with others looking on ready to tie her up. It's something a little different that I hope you'll all enjoy!
Update: June 6 - Coloring progress pic added
Update: June 9 - Check out the completed version!