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As I said earlier this month, Mystique is coming back again!  I was inspired to draw some more X-Men, given my lack of focus in that series.  This drawing was inspired by an X-Men Animated Series scene, where Mystique transforms herself into Rogue and tricks a flying Storm into coming over.  Mystique then uses a knockout gas spray can to render Storm unconscious.   Hey if sleeping gas works on an Omega Level Mutant, I figured chloroform will too!

Update 7/20: Adding coloring progress. 

Update 7/23: Adding finished piece.  Look at Storm's shiny costume!




Mystique is crushing the X-men this month. Hey, I have a suggestion. How about a piece based on this scene from the anime Captain Future https://youtu.be/vsbdpV7Xy0M Basically instead of a cloth, use a flower like if it was chloroform


Doesn't that Storm outfit have white gloves as part of it?

Sleepy Comics

The animated series Storm doesn't have gloves. I may have seen some comic version with gloves, but it seems more rare.


Yeah, she has them in comic art, fan-art, and statues. Pretty sure she had them in at least one episode of Spider-Man: TAS too, but oh well. I just think they complete the look myself.

Mad Man with a Pen

Fantastic work dude, sorry for the late comment. Love the look on Storm's face, as she gets all sleepy. Mystique looks excellent, loving her sinister pleasure as she gets the better of Storm with the chloroform. Excellent work on Storm's animated look as well. Great stuff SC.

Mad Man with a Pen

Turned out great :) The finally coloring came out well, and again love the sleepy look on Storm's face, and the villainous look of Mystique. Excellent stuff sir.