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Follow this post to see all my finished pieces for November 2022.

1. Kasumi and Ayane (Dead or Alive), unconscious and tied up (added 11/6/2022).  Comes with a cleave gag and OTM gag variant.  Enjoy!

2. Supergirl vs. Poison Ivy (added 11/9/2022).  Comes with gag variant, eye variant and dialogue variant!

3. Azur Lane - Atago chloroformed (added 11/19/2022). Comes with a dialogue and eye variant.  Enjoy!

4. Sky Striker Ace - Roze carrying Raye (added 11/22/2022). Comes with a dialogue variant. 

5. Wonder Girl (Donna Troy) chloroformed (added 11/27/2022). Comes with an eye variant with dialogue.



Connor Altier

HOOO thats a good one. They look so peaceful too, I just wanna leave em be

Mad Man with a Pen

The Poison Ivy and Supergirl piece has turned out quite well. Ivy looks wonderfully evil and sexy here. Will admit, I prefer non-green Ivy but that's a small personal nitpick. Her expression is perfect, just the evil pleasure she has entrapping Supergirl her. Supergirl looked great trapped in the vines. While the Superman TAS costume look isn't my fav, she still looks great. I love the idea of Kryptonite pollen/pheromones Ivy's got going. The dialog variant is again a lot of fun, though I'd say Supergirl's dialog doesn't quite match her expression. Her, 'No Kryptonite!' strikes me as a worried cry and I'd think her expression would be more scared/worried. I'd maybe have gone with more of a she's already falling under the power of the gas or something. Again though, doesn't take away at all from an awesome piece like this, great work SC!

Mad Man with a Pen

SC, the Wonder Girl one looks beautiful. I just love Donna's pose there, and she's quite busty and beautiful in my fav comic costume or hers :) Superwoman there being her captor is nice, and the variant with the more closed eyes and dialog is perfect. Excellent work on this one and another fabolus piece for the Nov count.

Sleepy Comics

Thanks for the comment! I'm really quite happy with how the coloring turned out on Wonder Girl. She looks so sexy getting chloroformed!