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Welcome to November, Patrons! Thanks for sticking with me. 

X-Men fans are going to like this one. This piece features the psychic Emma Frost getting chloroformed...by none other than Kitty Pryde! These two superheroines are fairly popular in my work. Emma Frost is usually the one doing the chloroforming, but I switched it around. I liked the idea of having Kitty Pryde phasing out of a wall and chloroforming Emma. It shows how resourceful she is in taking advantage of her powers.

Enjoy, everyone!




"For all your telepathy, you really didn't see that one coming!"


Well, I'm torn. On the one hand, I firmly believe Kitty getting the cloth from Emma is always how it should be rather than the other way around. On the other hand, I've been waiting for a good, solid picture of Emma getting chloroformed for ages now, so...


It is nice to see the tables turned on high-and-mighty characters!