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Gummigoo meets a fair lasss who fancies him. But every kiss makes him bigger~ <3



Angel Melendez

Nice my man, Gummigoo is also favorite crush character


Ooh the way his head is so sunken in between his inflated cheeks and all you see is his muzzle is one of the best inflation parts.

Bif Steak

Yeah it's exactly that kind of inflation that inspired this whole project. I love it when snoots/muzzles stick out of a a sunken spot <3 so cute ///


Heh, Gumi go ‘FWOOMP’


Well now he's Bubble Gummi lol. Who is the snake lady. Is she/he a OC of yours?

Bif Steak

Bubble Gummi, I love it >v< Might use it later Yup, I created her with the sole purpose of interacting with Gummigoo. I've gone full fan-service