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Ah crud, you know what I just realized? I didn't think of the setting. I've been so caught up with drawing our 2 main gals, I didn't think about where this'll take place, lol. Maybe on the beach? Or above a city? Not sure...

Two of the hardest things to get done about this anim will be Bee's movements and the lavalamp effect in her belly. I'm sure I can come up with something.




How about it takes place at Bee’s home where she has that party? If her home is even big enough for 2 blimps? Also YOU CAN DO IT BIF! With the power of friendship anything is possible!


Maybe something simple for background seeing as you've been working very hard on Bee herself. Above a city sounds simple enough


This is coming out great Bif, as for the setting. Whatever you think would be easier for you on this piece would be fine.


Above or around a city is how you've been doing things so far with inflating Loona. You could stick to that if it works better for you. And worse case scenario, you could not do the lava lamp effect of Bee's belly. She could have her belly match her coat colors instead. I'm not one to pull back from such details like that, nor am I one to have someone undercut their work. It's only if things aren't doable is all. Otherwise, go for it man. I'm sure you can find a way too.

Nebula Star 7

This is looking amazing also I been meaning to ask but is this and Balloona bait being release together or separate because while Balloona bait may not be close to done it looks really close or mabey that's just me.

Bif Steak

Hmm I'm not sure IF her home is big enough. Although, it would be a good excuse to use a lot of *glass breaking* sound effects in the background from the growing~ Also, thank you so so so much, always helpful you are <3

Bif Steak

Yeah maybe the red sky or something. Or perhaps a cold blue night, for contrast <3

Bif Steak

Yeah, I have been doing city stuff a lot, haven't I? Hmm, I can go for a simple effect. Just a ghostly lava effect, or something of that nature

Bif Steak

Thanks a million! They'll be released together btw, along with the audio that comes with. Balloona bait's audio is done, but Air Transfer is not even close x~X


Contrast would be pretty, and this is definitely shaping up to be fantastic


Whatever you feel most comfortable with, for both decisions, is fine. You've been doing such a great job with the animations as it is already.

Nebula Star 7

Got it the reason I asked is because Balloona bait v7 kinda looks like it stops a little bit early, so I thought it was still being worked on and the ending was going to have loona doing her best impression of a deflating balloon flying off into the night sky. But the longer it takes the more you get time to polish it and make it one of the best animations ever.