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Basically this is another story i wrote yesterday to take place of adopting the online persona as it has been recently completed I did work quite hard on this one so yeah make sure to give your review

I've always been fascinated by Rohan. He's a year younger than me, but there's something about him that always catches my attention—his looks. He’s more cute than handsome, with a soft, girlish charm. He wears his hair long now, though he used to cut it regularly until two years ago. I loved his new look, but I suspected my feelings were a one-sided crush.

One day, Rohan approached me with a friendly smile. "Hey Priya, I guess we have a job together. How about we go to the site together? We can save petrol and help the earth, don’t you think?" he said with a chuckle.

I laughed and replied, "Yeah, yeah, obviously. Saving the earth."

We decided to take my car. "So, Rohan, hop in. Today we have to go to a hospital of all places. We need to do a routine check of their medicines and supplies," I explained.

"A hospital? That’s unusual. We mostly visit pharmacies. Well, let’s go. Are you driving?" he asked.

"Yeah, I am," I confirmed, and we set off.

The weather wasn’t kind to us. It poured like crazy during our long drive to the hospital. When we finally arrived, the first thing I noticed was Rohan’s cap falling into the mud, and his hair bun coming undone.

"Do you have an extra rubber band for my hair, Priya?" he asked, looking a bit flustered.

"Nope, I don’t have a rubber band, but I do have something else," I replied, opening my bag to reveal a pink metallic hairband.

Rohan looked horrified. "No way I’m wearing that."

"Yes, way. We’re in a hospital. We can’t let your hair fall everywhere, genius," I said firmly.

He sighed in resignation. "Alright, hand it to me then."

I playfully swatted his hand away. "Nope. Your hair is all wet and messy. Sit in this chair while I do something about it."

Rohan reluctantly agreed, and I started brushing his hair, which was surprisingly dense. After about thirty strokes, it was finally untangled. I couldn’t help but admire his thick hair; it made him even cuter, not that I minded.

I began massaging his scalp gently, and he drifted into a relaxed state, almost falling asleep. Seizing the opportunity, I gave him a middle part, secured his hair with clips, and then used the hairband to keep everything in place.

"Alright, we’re done, Sleeping Beauty. Let’s get this work done," I said, tapping his shoulder lightly.

Rohan opened his eyes and smiled. "Thanks, Priya. Let's go."

We walked into the hospital, ready to tackle our assignment together. As we navigated the bustling corridors, Rohan's hairband drew some curious glances and amused smiles. I couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and protectiveness. Despite his initial reluctance, he was handling the situation with good humor.

We approached the front desk and introduced ourselves. The receptionist directed us to the storage area where we needed to conduct our checks. As we walked through the hallways, I noticed Rohan glancing at his reflection in the occasional window or glass door.

"Still not over the hairband?" I teased gently.

He chuckled. "I guess it's growing on me. But I still feel a bit ridiculous."

"You look cute, Rohan. Own it," I replied with a smile, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze.

As we entered the storage area, we were greeted by a friendly nurse who showed us the inventory. We began our work, checking the medicines and supplies methodically. I couldn't help but notice Rohan's focus and dedication. Despite the unusual circumstances, he was professional and thorough.

After a while, the nurse returned with a tray of refreshments. "You two are doing a great job. Would you like a break?" she offered.

We gladly accepted and took a seat. As we sipped our drinks, the nurse looked at Rohan and said, "That hairband suits you. You have such lovely hair."

Rohan blushed slightly, muttering a thank you.

After completing the job, we started walking back to the car, but the weather wasn't kind again. The rain poured down even harder.

"Wait, seriously, what the heck's wrong with the clouds today?" Rohan exclaimed, trying to shield his face from the downpour.

"Yeah, it's sad. Just run towards the car, genius!" I replied, laughing as we both sprinted through the rain.

We made it to the car, drenched. After about a minute of sitting in the car and trying to catch our breath, I turned the key in the ignition. To my dismay, the engine sputtered and refused to start. I tried again, but it was no use.

Rohan looked at me with a smile, and I couldn’t help but smile back. It was an awkward yet funny scene, the two of us sitting in a rain-soaked car that wouldn’t start.

"Well, this is just perfect," Rohan said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, just what we needed," I replied, rolling my eyes playfully. "I guess we're stuck here for a while."

"Rohan, maybe we should just run to my house," I suggested, pointing down the street. "It's just 250 meters away."

Rohan nodded, looking around at the deserted hospital parking lot. "Yeah, and since we parked this... uh, garbage in the hospital parking, it won't be stolen."

"What do you mean by garbage?" I asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.

Rohan chuckled. "Nothing. So, where's your house? Ah, it's right there." He started walking, and I followed suit.

"Wait, are you walking faster than me to avoid being scolded for calling my precious car garbage?" I teased as we hurried through the rain.

"Maybe," he replied with a grin.

Finally, we reached my house. I've always lived in a comfortable 2 BHK flat, thanks to my father's financial stability. Housing was indeed expensive nowadays, and I felt lucky to have this place to call home.

"So, Rohan, I'll take a bath first. How about you make some tea for me by then?" I suggested.

"Wait, is this how you treat your guest?" Rohan laughed.

I smiled mischievously, thinking to myself, *Just wait. If I end up marrying you, I might just teach you every household chore and turn you into a cute housewife.* Of course, that was just a passing thought.

After my refreshing bath and a cozy cup of tea with Rohan, I decided it was his turn to freshen up since he was still drenched from the rain.

"No way," Rohan protested. "I bet you don't have any masculine clothes. Do you?"

I shook my head. "Nope, I don't. But you're making my house dirty with all that rainwater. Go take a bath, or I'm throwing you from the balcony."

"Alrighty, just don't give me something too girly to wear, and definitely no bras or anything, okay?" he joked.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Don't worry, Rohan. No bras for you."

As he disappeared into the bathroom, I couldn't help but think, *No bras, huh?*

That's not fun now is it I thought in my mind I then went for my wardrobe searching for the most feminine bra and panty i could think of after that I went to my dresses I do have many gender neutral clothes but where's the fun in it I picked out a pink salwar kameez (traditional attire)

Here Rohan here's your cloth others were to small for you (i lied)

Salwar kameez -

Do you not have tshirt or something Priya I can't be wearing a salwar kameez you can't be serious

I am by the way quite serious do as you say or I can lock you in the bathroom (i locked the bathroom from outside)

As I waited outside the bathroom, I could feel the tension mounting. I could hear Rohan grumbling and mumbling, trying to protest the situation. But I was not backing down. I was determined to have my way.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Rohan finally knocked on the bathroom door. "Can you open the door now, Priya?" he called out.

I chuckled to myself, knowing that he had finally given in. "Sure, I'll open the door," I said, unlocking it and opening it with a smirk on my face.

Rohan stood there, a reluctant expression on his face. He was wearing the pink salwar kameez that I had given him, but it was evident that he wasn't very comfortable.

I let my eyes wander over his body, taking in the sight of him dressed in the feminine attire.

"You look... interesting," I managed to say, trying to hold back a laugh.

Rohan scowled and crossed his arms, looking utterly displeased. "Interesting is not the word I would use. I feel like a clown in a circus."

I couldn't help but smile at his reaction. "Oh, come on, it's not that bad. You look cute in pink."

Rohan rolled his eyes, clearly not convinced. "Pink is a girl's color, Priya. Men are not supposed to wear pink."

"Says who? Society's gender norms?" I replied, raising an eyebrow. "You can wear any color you like, Rohan. And pink happens to look great on you."

The problem is I don't like it though

"Tough luck," I replied, still sporting a cheeky grin. "You're stuck in that pink salwar kameez for now, whether you like it or not. I'm the one in charge here."

Did you wear the underwear bra and panties I gave you

No I didn't I did wear the panties and the salwar kameez though

As I looked at him, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. He had complied with most of my request, but he hadn't worn the bra I had given him. I raised an eyebrow and asked him again. "So you didn't wear the bra I gave you?"

He shook his head, looking a little embarrassed. "No, I didn't. I just put on the salwar kameez and the panties."

I sighed, feigning anger as I planted my hands on my hips. "That's not what I told you to do, Rohan. I specifically asked you to wear the bra too."

He looked like a deer caught in headlights, clearly unsure of how to respond. "I... uh... I didn't think it was necessary

I shook my head in mock disapproval, enjoying how uncomfortable he looked. "You should have thought about that before disobeying my instructions, Rohan. Now you've got yourself in a sticky situation."

He shifted uncomfortably, looking like he was on the verge of arguing but unable to find the courage to do so.

I decided to push my luck and continued to press the issue. "So, are you going to put on the bra or not?"

Nope I am not I am leaving thanks for the dress

I watched as he turned to leave, disappointment and anger welling up inside me. "Wait a minute," I said, my voice icy. "You think you can just take the salwar kameez and leave? That's not how this works."

He stopped in his tracks, looking at me with a mixture of confusion and defiance. "What do you mean?" he asked, a hint of challenge in his tone.

He froze as I approached him and started to remove his salwar, a look of shock on his face as he realized what I was doing.

As my fingers touched his bare chest, he let out a strangled gasp and tried to pull away, but I held him firmly in place. "Tsk, tsk, look at that. You look like you could really use a bra after all," I taunted.

His cheeks turned a deep shade of red as I continued to hold him in place, my smirk widening as I tauntingly held up the bra. "You know, it's not that difficult to put on a bra," I teased. "You just have to follow my instructions carefully."

He looked like he wanted to protest, but he knew better than to challenge me at this point. He reluctantly nodded, his expression a mix of embarrassment and resignation.

I held the bra in my hands, feeling a sense of power and satisfaction as I gave him instructions. "First, place your arms through the straps," I said, positioning the bra in front of him.

He obeyed, albeit awkwardly, and put his arms through the straps.

"Good," I said, my tone almost condescending. "Now, hook the bra behind your back."

He fumbled with the hooks for a moment, but eventually managed to secure the bra in place. I couldn't help but admire his struggle, enjoying the way he squirmed and fidgeted under my watch.

Once he had successfully put on the bra, I took a step back to take in the sight. He was still trying to cover himself with his hands, blushing furiously.

"See, that wasn't so bad now, was it?" I said with a smirk.

It was bad it's just for today so I guess it's fine

I raised an eyebrow at his words, taking note of his qualifier. "Just for today?" I repeated, my smirk widening. "You think you'll be allowed to take off the bra after today?"

Obviously tomorrow onwards I will be in my house I mean rain should stop by tomorrow so yeah

I feigned surprise, as if I had never considered the idea. "Oh, right, the rain," I said, putting a hand to my chin as if in deep thought. "I suppose it is possible that it will stop by tomorrow."

I paused, letting the suspense build as I continued to taunt him. "But do you really think I'll let you take off the bra anytime soon? I kind of like the way it looks on you."

It's not about you to think he said while wearing the salwar back

I pouted at his response, enjoying the way he tried to defy me despite him being at my mercy. "Oh, come on Rohan," I whined, pretending to be hurt by his words. "You can't just dismiss my opinion like that."

I took a step closer to him, my eyes fixed on his chest, still contained by the bra. "Besides, I think you look really pretty in this bra. Don't you think so?"

Yeah yeah what are we having for dinner btw

I chuckled at his sudden change of topic, shaking my head in amusement. "Always thinking about food, aren't you?" I teased, crossing my arms.

I paused for a moment, pretending to consider the question. "As for dinner, I was thinking we could have a nice, simple meal. How does chicken biryani sound?"

"Do you have chicken in the refrigerator?"

I nodded, confirming his question. "Yes, I have chicken in the refrigerator. I was planning on making some biryani for dinner tonight. I have all the spices and vegetables ready as well."

"Okie, you aren't going to force your guest to cook, now are you?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "No, no, I'm not going to force you to cook. You're my guest, after all. Though I wouldn't mind some assistance if you're up for it."


"Great," I said, smiling as he agreed to help out. "I do need someone to help me chop onions. Do you think you can handle that?"

"Wait, before cutting, wear this apron. It will protect my dress from stains."

I chuckled as I handed him a pink apron, matching the one I was wearing. "Here, wear this," I said, a hint of playfulness in my tone. "We don't want your clothes to get too messy, do we?"

"Why am I getting the girly one while you get the white (chef) one?"

I smirked at his protest. "What's the matter, Rohan? Are you afraid of wearing a pink apron?" I teased. "Don't worry, it matches your cute salwar kameez."

"Fine, you win."

I watched as he neatly chopped the onions and tomatoes to perfection. I walked over to inspect his work, nodding in approval. "Looks perfect," I said, impressed by his skill. "You've done a great job with those onions."

"Yeah, chopped like a real bachelor," said Rohan.

I rolled my eyes at his comment, shaking my head in mock disappointment. "Oh, please. A real bachelor wouldn't know the first thing about chopping onions like that."

I gave him a smirk, teasing him further. "Maybe you're secretly a natural at becoming a housewife."

"Oh, please."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his flustered state. "Aww, are you getting embarrassed?" I teased, enjoying his reaction. "Leaving so soon? But we haven't even started cooking yet."

"That's your job now. I am a guest."

I feigned surprise, putting a hand to my chest. "Oh, but I thought you were going to help me cook," I pouted. "Don't tell me you're backing out now?"

"Yeah, I am. I don't know anything about cooking."

I let out a sigh, pretending to be dejected. "Oh well, I guess that's too bad. I thought you were going to be my little chef for the evening."

I gave him a sly smile, enjoying the power I had over him. "I guess you'll just have to sit there and look pretty while I cook then."

"Yeah, yeah."



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