Journey 66. Intro!!! (Patreon)
Hello friends!
Finally! It finally happened!
We planned this photo shoot as much as a month ago, but it turned out only now.... but let's take it in order.
There is an interesting tradition in Russia:
When the first heat comes, you need to choose a good day and go to nature (in good company of course!!!), fry meat on skewers - "Шашлык" (Schaschlik). This is a kind of greeting for the coming summer. This usually happens in May, so we call it "Маёвка" (Mayovka).
BUT. This year, the weather in May was disgusting. Constant rain disrupted our plans 6 times in a row. We already thought that nothing would work out and we should choose another topic. However, we were very lucky and one day was really warm. Although already in June....
By the way, yes, the girl who went with us is my namesake. Her name is also Anya! We had a very good time together. We lit a fire, fried a шашлык, walked naked through the forest and took plenty of photos.
Write what you think about what you saw. Your feedback is very important to us!
P.S. A video from this journey will be released soon, don't miss it!