News: June (Patreon)
2015-06-01 19:24:44
Welcome to June everyone! Time for a monthly news post so everyone is on the same page :D
- Tier Rewards: PSD Packs, Raffle, and Mail-Out rewards will all be done on-time during mid-month (enough time for people to get their payments sorted). No real surprises there!
- Asks: As you may have noticed, asks haven't been appearing as often. This is due to me being in extreme convention prep mode. Right now Asks are taking a bit of a back seat to the time sink that is...... well, everything else! They will definitely be popping up more frequently in late July.
Speaking of...
- July: There will be a 2 week gap where comics (may) not be posted as I will be off on a cross-country adventure to Boston/AC. With that said, and as mentioned in the asks section, this month is absolutely filled to the brim with projects. I will be moving the updates to Thursday rather than Wednesday in order to give myself a little bit of a time buffer. July will be another slightly-late month for rewards. Similar to May.
August - October will be a breath of fresh air as I leave convention season, luckily. It will also be a celebration of 1 year on Patreon! So loads of things to be happy about.