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Next pager-roo. A little early since I will be grabbing a flight tomorrow and I didn't want to leave anything hanging.

Sandra has had a long work-from-home-office day and Ben thinks it's time for a break. I wonder what could be in the box... though HMMM...




Wow, Sandra's eyes in the second panel O.O Lovely <3 And that face. If looks could kill :D


Slightly confusing panel order on this one.


I was a bit worried that would happen but remained hopeful. Reading order should be Left-Right with the vertical panel reading second rather than third. I might make an arrow or two in the final version to help a little more. I was hoping the word bubble direction would help a bit but perhaps it wasn't enough. Good to know, though!


I think because the two panels on the left look like they're the same size/shape as the panel on the right, just split in two, leads me to try to interpret them as a single group.


What is Sandra working as? Architect, Interior designer?


Sandra is an Engineer. Not so much working on the blueprints as she is looking over them as a work-from-home day. Normally she works in a much larger building :3