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This will be the last daki I do for a little bit since these last few months has been a bit of a marathon for me on these. They are always an undertaking.

I realized while doing some minor updates to others that Sandra's SFW daki was the oldest one I haven't touched for a redraw. She's been hanging around since the beginning and the art is real old at this point. I figured it was time to give her some attention :3 




Oh she's so pretty... My poor bank account lol


Oooo can't wait to cop this


I love it, the sexy gym wear looks great on her! I think this daki of her will be perfect for going on my deployments lol! She's a lot more SFW then Avery's "SFW" version lol


the new sketch looks cute af o: absolutely adore it!


A few of the SFW dakis are… pushing it LOL. I really wanted to go with a sporty look for her this time, especially since her other two dakis are much more NSFW :3

Soren Frazier

It's always a pleasure seeing more of her ❤️


I love her. Great outfit choice.

Sigma Hyena

Yus, do want. Shes super cute here!


Yes!!!! I can’t wait to see her finished!!!


Just noticed that you updated Ben's sfw daki on your store, sneaky :p Think you'll update Terry's sfw daki some time in the near-ish future? (as in some time this year)