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Hoho it's Halloween time. Sort of!

I got a lot of requests last year to make a Werewolf Ben dakimakura after I made the Sandra witch one. I was nervous about drawing it because I figured "It's just him, but bigger???" So I tried my best to make this daki stand out from his regular one. It's really just a bigger, buffer, more toothy dad-bod Ben, so I hope people are into that!

I waffled on including a semi-SFW version, since Sandra's doesn't have one. In the end I decided to keep the art and leave it as a pre-order option in case that's something people wanted. If anything enjoy the slightly more 'cuddleable' art :3

Pre-orders will be open for about a week over at www.ayceeart.com

As usual feel free to use the coupon PATREONTHANKS at check-out for 10% off your order (of anything) until 10/15!



Knighted Treble

He came out so good! Love hunky Ben ❤


BEN BEN BEN BEN. the fastest I've ever purchased something. I love it so much



Azin The Wizard

Ordered both, though in my excitement I forgot to add a coupon code, oh well


Woof, He's Hot. (also "null" kind of a niche one, but on of my kinks, lol)


Dad bod looks good on Ben! 😍 Love the tummy.

Draken Stark

Love the fluff around the beans!

Wild Doggo Jackie (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 02:12:08 Oh no he's hot <3
2022-09-30 23:25:09 Oh no he's hot <3

Oh no he's hot <3


this is vv good


If you want I can try and add in the discount the code would have provided! It's a gift to Patrons so I don't mind. Just gotta shoot me your order info :3 pepperminthusky@gmail.com (this message is for anyone who forgot!)

Husky Hangover (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 02:12:07 I *would* have waited to grab one at MFF.... but I might be a little impatient for things like this~ &gt;w&gt; Pre-ordered! Very well done~
2022-09-30 23:57:12 I *would* have waited to grab one at MFF.... but I might be a little impatient for things like this~ >w> Pre-ordered! Very well done~

I *would* have waited to grab one at MFF.... but I might be a little impatient for things like this~ >w> Pre-ordered! Very well done~


Will the Etsy store have a pre-order option for the UK people? ^^


This is a good question because I absolutely forgot! It's up on my etsy now for AUS/UK folks. The coupon code should still work, but in case it doesn't: https://www.etsy.com/shop/AyceeArt?coupon=PATREONTHANKS

David curry

Will they still be available after preorder? Just curious.


They will be! Just in limited quantities, especially since I will be saving some to bring to MFF in December. But they aren’t limited time or retiring after pre-orders.