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Hey Everyone,

Just a quick heads up that it seems like Patreon is having a host of problems with payments right now. I figured I’d copy paste the email I got this morning from them which is the only real info I have on what’s going on. I appologize for the horrible inconvenience this month :( from my end there is not much that can be done but hopefully this can provide some level of clarity:

An issue with a payment partner is causing a slightly higher-than-normal number of your patron payments to be declined by their banks. We've traced the increased declines back to payments system upgrades required by one of our processing partners. Patrons might see some payments declined while changes take effect.

If a patron reaches out to you about a decline, you can advise them to follow these steps:
Contact their card issuer to confirm the charge is valid and retry that card
If the retry does not work, try a different payment method. Patrons can edit their payments in their Settings, under Billing History:

We’re deeply sorry about these interruptions and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve them.

The Patreon Team



I haven't had any issues with payments going through, but I haven't gotten a receipt for my Patreon payments in like 3 months. Anyone else have that problem?


Thanks for sharing this! Super helpful both as a Patron and Creator.

Savvy Wolf

Copying a note I got from another creator, not sure if you've seen it or not: "Patreon changed their primary payment processor from a California-based location, to an Overseas location, this month. That means many people’s cards (including mine) /automatically/ denied the Patreon charge as ‘potentially fraudulent’. Someone who is just trusting autopay may not notice they didn’t get charged and aren’t receiving your updates. This change went through earlier for several people too, so many would have been cut off in the previous months. WHAT YOU CAN DO: Spread this news, via your Socials, Discord, and any other artist friends who use Patreon. Get the word out. Send a message to anyone whose pledge was denied this month (if you can see that) giving them a heads-up. People will need to authorize this transaction once, then it should resume normally. Anyone who wants to stay subbed to your Patreon needs a heads-up that they may have a declined charge to authorize in the last few days. This has hit DOZENS of artists that I’m aware of."


Thanks for the info! I did see that they changed to an overseas location (I believe Dublin?) and that a few people were suddenly getting international transaction fees who hadn't before. This is a big mess and I am surprised Patreon did this with 0 heads up to creators or patrons :/

Draco (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-09 05:10:29 For me it finally went through, but I'm still not getting any patron only posts.
2023-08-04 20:43:01 For me it finally went through, but I'm still not getting any patron only posts.

For me it finally went through, but I'm still not getting any patron only posts.

Stoker Bramwell

I've managed to fix it with most of my creators but it keeps telling me yours is broken x.x


You're definitely not the first person I have heard having this problem. I wish there was something I could do or see on my end that would fix it but it looks like it's just a waiting game with any info from patreon :/