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This is a busy month for me which I hope will free up a bit more after next week. I feel the beginning of this year has been rapid-fire for me with things to do. I'm still happy to be able to pump out a few pages though :3   

In the meantime please enjoy a clustered page where Ben continues to have brainworms on his way home. He's got a good 10mins to cool off in the lovely brisk fall weather.

This is one of the only pages I've done so far with no 'textless alt' because it's silent. Wowee.




What a pretty page! Makes for a great transition between scenes No words means I gotta sort this like NOW or I'm going to be very confused in a few weeks scrambling for a word version that doesn't exist lmao

Azin The Wizard

Evan has adorable expressions.


I think I’m starting to get these Brainworms of Evan myself….


Aycee's evil plan. Inspired by Baldur's Gate 3 probably. That makes them the elder brain


he's so me


Didn't see it mentioned anywhere, and alas it had already passed when I checked. But, the 10 year anniversary of the original comic was this month. (or, at least the anniversary of when the last page was posted on FA). Congrats :3


Oh yay! I didn't notice it was finally the proper 10 year mark. I still can't believe it's been a decade since my first comic :3 I remember thinking I was only making a one-off and wouldn't make more than that haha. <3


oh to be haunted by visions of hot boy