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Tomorrow's video is about how the company entered the business of energy drinks. I'm having trouble deciding the thumbnail so I put it up to a vote for the Consultant level Patrons, as I usually do, but it resulted in a tie and I'm more undecided than ever. So now I'm turning to the rest of the great supporters on here to help me make this decision. Both options are attached. What do you think?  



David Hathaway

Honestly, they're both good. The fact that it's close says as much. Might just need to flip a coin.


It might have to come down to that. I can't believe it's this close again!


I thought I was doing my civic duty in voting, but then when I clicked one it showed thr results. An exact tie..


I like both as well but I feel like the green gradient one is more the usual style for some reason


Can’t believe it happened twice. I guess it shows that there’s no right or wrong decision here.