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Hey everyone, I've been researching some bottled water brands seeing if there's a good story for a video. Aquafina vs. Dasani looks like a promising direction but I'm seeing a conflicting piece of information that could be important.

The Dasani website says the brand was introduced in 1991:  https://www.dasani.com/about-us/ 

Most everywhere else says 1999 including the Coca Cola website:   https://www.coca-colacompany.com/brands/dasani 

I'm confident that 1999 is the real date considering it was a response to Aquafina introduced a few years earlier and the general increase in demand for bottled water. So my question is what's going on with that 1991 date? It has me puzzled right now and I feel like it could somehow be significant to the story. Can anyone figure this one out?



I am not completely sure but I thought Dasani started as an independent company that was acquired by Coca Cola. I don't know the years but that might explain the two different dates.


According to Statista, the per person consumption of bottled water in the US has increased from 16 gallons in 1999 to 42 gallons in 2018. https://www.statista.com/statistics/183377/per-capita-consumption-of-bottled-water-in-the-us-since-1999/


I considered that as a possibility but I can't find any confirmation for it.


This 2017 article from Serious Eats supports the 1999 launch date (and states that Aquafina launced first in 1994).


"launched" https://www.seriouseats.com/2017/07/how-bottled-water-became-americas-most-popular-beverage.html


You are welcome. Here is one other data point for you. The number of total gallons of bottled water sold in the US per year. I have heard environmental concerns about the impact of pulling billions of gallons of water out of lakes (and dropping water levels) but I have not looked into it myself to know if or how big of a problem it actually is. https://www.statista.com/statistics/237832/volume-of-bottled-water-in-the-us/


Tom Scott's video on Dasani also refers to an article from "The Grocer" in 2004 that mentions it launching in the US in 1999 (6:12) https://youtu.be/wD79NZroV88?t=372


Yeah, I'm all in on the 1999 date, I just don't understand why it would say 1991 on their website.


Not sure. I don't see anything else supporting 1991. Could be a typo that nobody bothered to fix? 🤷‍♂️


I found a very recent article from Business Insider that mentions the 1991 release date for Dasani. It also includes some Dasani water controversy that you might be interested in if you haven’t read about it already and even features Shane Dawson. Hope this is helpful: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/dasani-water-salt-controversy-shane-dawson-video-2020-4%3famp


Appreciate it Erin, I've actually read through that article already. I question some parts of it, I'm guessing they just pulled that date from the Dasani website. I do plan on watching Shane Dawson's video though and see what he says about it.


I work with a lot of large beverage companies like this. You'd be surprised how many times they goof things like this up. LOL


It was 99


I believe so too but that doesn't answer my question of where the '91 date comes from.


I asked the Twitter team (https://twitter.com/dasaniwater/status/1252651903865049088?s=19) and apparently the Coca Cola founded the company in 1991, but introduced the bottled in 1999


I appreciate the effort there Julianne. Honestly, I'm thinking about giving up on this topic. By coincidence I learned a prominent YouTuber made a pretty similar video recently. I watched it and have to admit mine wouldn't have been incredibly different. Maybe I'll get back to it later or if there's more news but for now I'm moving to something else.