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For anyone who keeps up with video games, I could use your help here. 

Ever since I released my video about why Electronic Arts is so hated a few months ago, I've seen a bunch of comments saying I should follow it up with one about Activision. As many of you may know, I'm not too familiar with the video game world so these type of videos can be tricky for me. 

After spending a few hours trying to learn about the situation, here's what I've outlined for the biggest reasons behind the hatred: 

1. CEO Bobby Kotick’s strict, businesslike approach to making video games.

2. Lack of originality - Releasing similar sequels each year of proven franchises (like Call of Duty or Guitar Hero) instead of new, original stuff.

3. Acquiring rights to characters and franchises without doing much with them (Crash Bandicoot, Spyro).

4. Wrongful termination lawsuit for firing heads of Infinity Ward (2010)

5. Microtransactions/Loot Boxes. - Examples of excessive or unreasonable games would be helpful if you have any.

How does that list look to everyone? Do you feel like they all belong there or am I leaving out something big? I also have a smaller list for Blizzard (which is part of the same company) but I'm thinking the video should stick mostly the Activision brand since they seem to be perceived separately. 

Anything you could add to any of this or general advice on handling the topic would be really helpful. 



You got the basics covered expanding on the whole Bobby situation a lot of the criticism comes from not only questionable business tactics since he's taken over in the early 90s but also the way he disregards and hires and fires people when needed and the way that all he cares about is the stock prices. That's without going into a lot of detail.


List looks solid. One subject that might be interesting to touch on is their recent issues with game optimization and file sizes. IE upcoming Call of Duty update is so large Activision has warned it might not be possible to even install on a 500gb model PlayStation 4


Yes, I have some pretty solid support for that reason already. It'll probably be the longest part of the video. The overall confliction between creativity and profit was a common theme of the EA video as it will be here and Bobby Kotick is definitely at the center of that.


That's interesting. Doesn't sound like it would be enough to stand alone as it's own reason but I'll mention it if it fits well as support for the reasons I ultimately settle on. Thanks for the feedback.


When I look at their games none of them are designed for an experience, but rather have the desired affect of addiction. The loot boxing method to create dopamine hits is borderline drug dealer mentality. First hit is free. Then the player is addicted. It works for the time being but isn’t sustainable.

Christopher Bassett

I guess my biggest thing with EA and Activision is they used to produce quality content from all angles. But now it's nothing but regurgitated and rushed games. I think that's what most people love about indie developers, many of them take their time to release a quality product. The age-old phrase quality over quantity. (ConcernedApe comes to mind) Perhaps the issue that EA and Activision know that many people know their name, and will buy it anyways. I like to assume because they know their branding has clout, they don't have to worry near as much about a quality product. Lastly, if I'm going to be honest, if it wasn't for things like call of duty or Spyro or Crash being bought or had, I think they would be in financial trouble. In summary, people are following the characters / games and are only buying from EA and Activision because they're the ones who own the rights.


Honestly I don't see Activision hated so much as just more general disinterest in them. You're right in that Activision and Blizzard are seen separately still, though some people blame a lot of modern blizzard issues on the merger. Tbh I would have expected a video on Ubisoft before Activision-Blizzard. There's a bit of a joke, "Why was EA voted worst company in America, two years in a row? Because Ubisoft isn't based in America."

A Kane

There's this too https://kotaku.com/report-more-layoffs-as-activision-blizzard-closes-euro-1846516005