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This will likely be next week's video and it's been difficult to figure out how to brand it. It's one chain that goes by two different names. Right now I'm thinking I'll call it The Decline of Sweet Tomatoes...What Happened, though I may still change it to Souplantation. 

Anyway, what do you think for the thumbnail? Just the tomato logo or should I include the words as well? Both options are attached. 




Since they operate in 2 different names I’d go with just the tomato. I haven’t heard of either. But thinking about Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, I relate more with Carl’s. I’ve heard of Hardee’s, but if I hadn’t, seeing Hardee’s would throw me. But if it was just the logo, I know it’s Carl’s (for me). East coast would know it was Hardee’s.


Hadn't even thought of that but it's a really good point. There are even a few variations of the logos but a tomato is a tomato so I'm thinking that may be the way to go.