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Hey everyone, I'm working on a video about Disney Channel, potentially the rise and fall of it. But with such a subjective topic, I'm having some trouble piecing together a story about it.

It would be helpful if anyone who knows a bit about the subject could offer anything you think might be helpful in putting the story together. Specifically, how it relates to and has effected the overall Disney company, any major changes the channel has gone through over the past 20 years, any potential reasons for their rumored decline (in addition to the obvious Disney+), or do you think there hasn't been much of a decline and the video should have a different title?

I know at least one person on here who knows a lot about Disney that can hopefully help and I'm sure there must be more. Anything you could offer up along those lines would be helpful to get me on the right track. 

Really appreciate it.



Disney I know is struggling but Disney Channel if it is declining, it's because of Disney in general. Honestly I feel Disney put so much effort into Disney+, Marvel, and Star Wars that they really forgot the innovative projects of creativity that made them successful in the first place. Corporate wise it's a whole mess.


I used to watch Disney Channel with my daughters as they were growing up but I have not seen it at all in the past 10+ years. I suspect the Disney Channel has been tainted with the backlash against Disney in general over their treatment of beloved characters in the newer Star Wars movies and political messaging in MCU series on Disney+. I won’t go into the politics other than to say the channel that bears the name of the company is likely suffering fallout aimed at other parts of the company.


It's a good theory Grant. I can't think of any available information that would support that but I'll have to see.


There actually is a great video on the topic that I really recommend. It might provide you some great insight/inspiration on how to tackle this. https://youtu.be/9MQ8kwPkemQ


Appreciate the help but I say away from other YouTube videos as sources for mine to be sure I'm not copying anything from them. I'm just asking if anyone here has potential directions I could explore that may help answer some of my questions.


Well, from my own knowledge. I would probably discuss the decline in watching TV as a whole, in favor of steaming, and how Disney tends to go after the current trends. (The TV subscription model in the 80s, to steaming nowadays).