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ComputerWiz309 (edited)

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2024-03-29 05:53:22 Funny enough is those background shots aren’t even CGI lol it’s just the way it’s animated with the camera movements.
2024-03-26 03:57:22 Funny enough is those background shots aren’t even CGI lol it’s just the way it’s animated with the camera movements.

Funny enough is those background shots aren’t even CGI lol it’s just the way it’s animated with the camera movements.

Taylor Manatsa

May be worth checking out scenes from the manhwa following an ep when yall compare cause the fight was beat for beat very similar to the manhwa. They added scenes for color but the fight for sure was a quick one in the manhwa too. I do think knowing what happens may creates a bit of a skew here (which can happen and isn't a problem per see but may impact the hype levels sometimes based on that feeling of first reading).