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Imagine a Premier League podcast so good that two Americans host it for some reason.

To dare is to pod.



Ramon Reyes

New pod? From rod?

Erik Kenney

This is great news

Remy Poulin

noooo soccer is boring


Should’ve done one on the Olyntics


Its not too late to support Everton, lads 💙



Pat Scott

Hype. This was the initial reason I subbed to your patreon.

Robbie Tribe

This is more than deserved. It's earned. Also as a coys little diva roach myself, I am coming right now - Alan Avery style. COYS 🤍


I complained about too much sports talk on Segments and now you start this. I couldn’t be more HAPPY. JOY. ENERGY.

Max Telmer

this is awesome, can't wait to listen. kinda wish you started a la Liga podcast instead, but what can ya do 😄 WOHOO!


How about we get two episodes Buckets in the same fiscal quarter?

Joel B

up the chels

Griffen Hay

“new”?! You can’t gaslight me Blumenfeld. I still remember the last time you lads tried this stunt


You better not support spurs


Spurs? I deserve so much more than this.

Henry Kates

Oh my god I’m so excited for this!! Not gonna lie I’ve always been convinced that I played a small part in Jake’s journey to become a spurs fan

Scott Craig

Yes! Chuffed and humbled this is back

Alex Niethe

You should do a live watch thread each week during the game for people to comment on. Or a dicksword.

Alex Capo

Ehhhh ok


This is the greatest thing that has happened to me in the past few hours. Every episode, we will be there.


I will personally finance this podcast if there is ever any doubt as to its sustainability through the 38 week season.