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Two videos that are technically Hardly Workings, but they're also kinda not.

Oh! And Amir has COVID.


Bolo Santosi

This guy's fly. Feel better Amir!

Brandon Rodriguez

Wheres my new COYS Boys episode???!!!?

Adam Winograd

My boys, check out DVD and Explanation. Both have flashbacks, both have Amir destroying Jake’s stuff, both have Pat Cassels.

Lorne Mintz

Watch Photobooth and ‘Twas a Dream two unreleased episodes. The channel that has them on YouTube is Shadeviking

Michael Gumption

Holy shit. Parasocial relationship just strengthened immensely


“Your mom’s not even enjoying it” is probably my favorite Sara line of the whole series.

knitted cape

Top 10 reasons why I DESERVE a new Coys Boys episode, by Amir GameCockandBalls BloomenFootyJob Number ten - a new game hen! It’s about time that these coy Spurs had a new game bird that could birth an egg turd. I would give everything and anything to slurp down some shell of a new mascot whose team did well. Number nine - the game was fine. I wish to wine and whine and dine while these two boys are coys and… fine! A win of a Castle New is nothing to make about much ado.. and I do! Number eight - the game was GREAT. Let’s wipe the slate, squash the hate, and offer a draw on the date. Maybe if we ask nicely enough, our opponents will lie and say that we had another point on the day, and if not, that’s NOT ok. Either way, to see J&A on their hands and knees giving a bow to Eddie Howe and asking… HOW?? would be rather good for me. Number seven - a new game hen. Could you even imagine a new game bird that could… sheesh.. a new bird to turd and burn? This match was heaven. And I’d like to strike it! Number six - a pile of sticks! Something to light ablaze to forget these awful days. To see those Spurs down by one was bad and sad and was not fun. Maybe some fire would draw my ire and keep me from doing something quite.. well… dire. Number five - burn down a hive. I’m serious, now I need to fire a bee. Maybe a bunch up in a tree. Fire is on my mind and my soul, maybe next game instead we can bowl. A heavier ball might be a good call, go up for a header and come down with a fall. I think the footballs should be hard and DENSE. That would be good for me, forth-hence. Number four - this game is a bore. It was so much fun, but not a good score. I pray to St. Nick that we’ll win the next, that we score lots of points like presents galore! Then I’d be jolly, then I’d be free- could Tottenham buy some presents for me? Number three - a Christmas tree! To put all the gifts that will come with the kicks. To hear the tale of next game done well- the Spurs on top like Santa on the roof. I need some assurance this was just a spoof! Recap the match with some Christmas Who Hash and a Santa Claus hat, that would be quite a blast! Number two - a Christmas poo. All I ask from the big man in red is that this year my coal isn’t red- maybe a brown or a soot black to fill my bed. I faintly remember something about sport- but for now a lack of anal bleeding would make me chuckle and chort! Number 1 - it doesn’t matter- this show is no fun. Sure I’ve cried and I’ve cried since there’s no ep in sight, but at the end of the day, I don’t care either way. The world will keep turning, the sun will soon set, the field is still burning, the clock will reset. Another two halves, next week we will play- there’s much more I deserve, but come on, you Spurs!


Hi guys! Maybe for Halloween you could watch "Bizarro Office" and "My Bloody Valentine". Not Jake and Amir videos really, just two Hardly Workings that still freak me out.


We're watching Hardly Working and haven't done Perfect Woman yet?

Rainer Kocsis

might be Mandela effect, but i SWEAR they already watched that. maybe it was on Segments or the Headgum Podcast?

Harper Wednesday

it would also be so cool to see the double date series

Harper Wednesday

yall should watch brownies and agreements, two hardly workings that are also jake and amirs


What headphones does amir have?

David Everling

I can’t believe you haven’t watched Braces yet! And for a second one how about Printer; two solid episodes

Robbie Tribe

A truly grey comment. And as we all know, if something is ultimate: it's grey. COYS


You guys should watch “Personality Quiz” and “Friend Quiz”. Two episodes that involve online quizzes, but from two very different eras!


the way you still havent seen hospital


absolutely need to watch the prank war with streeter though. pony up the cash and spend an evening or three watching them immediately, or off with your heads!

James H

need double dates dear lord

Tom Crawford

Live watch along? Also any chance to speak on the state of affairs at Everton?