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Imagine a screen name so chill that it's truly thus... chill.



Better late than on time!! Watch Dave part 1 and 2!


I'm alone in a foreign country on my birthday right now, not sad, but GLAD to share a little moment with my goyboys... Slake and Abeem.. Todah muchly guys


Rosie and Snowstorm, two videos where they talk about Amir direct violence towards Rosie.

David Everling

they’ve watched both, you can verify ep ideas by entering them into the search bar though


As Watch is winding down, and we’re running out of J&A’s to watch I want to just say it’s been years and years of entertainment from you too, and I speak for all of us fans when I say that I mean a lot to you. And you’re welcome. And toda.


I just searched them and I forgot that they watched Snowstorm. They have yet to watch Rosie, though.

Jarod With

You should watch two classic episodes, “Gross Websites” because it should make Jake uncomfortable and “Basketball Game” because it should get Amir in trouble, I think…

Michael Gumption

Most obvious Geoff description yet

Gus Y

Wow Screen Name 2 is legit terrible lol


Please please please watch the double date series with Murph and Emily!!!!


Still praying y’all do the Rick Fox episodes soon! 🙏

Justin Lee

Bake Sale and Performance Evaluation. No through-line but it's two you haven't watched yet, at least I can't find them searching

Zane Carnie

I'd love you to finally watch the Hallie series (with Hallie Cantor?). Parts 1 - 4


Hi guys! Maybe for Halloween you could watch "Bizarro Office" and "My Bloody Valentine". Not Jake and Amir videos, just two Hardly Workings that still freak me out.

Nate Davis

Chris Cooley is still unwatched as of yet

Kai S

Liberty and/or JUST TITS for all. Amen.

Lorne Mintz

Watch Photobooth and ‘Twas a Dream two unreleased episodes. The channel that has them on YouTube is Shadeviking

dumbtgirl z_z

plz watch 'aunt' and 'niece', two eps abt amirs family :]

Gabe Straw

'Rick Fox 2' + 'Valentines Day'! Two of my favorite episodes, the ending in valentines day is a straight up horror movie moment

Brian Voong

The soft subtle episodes back then were always the ones that made me laugh the most


Hi guys! I've got two recs: "Storm" and "Freaky Friday", two episodes filmed on the ground!

Dylan Forbes

watch suggestion: BBYO IC Welcome Video. an unofficial episode you made for a Jewish summer camp, I think?

Tom Crawford

When are y’all doing a London Tour


Please watch the brother series - the start of the first episode is crazy

Facundo Iglesia

Are you ever watching... THE PILOT? Or at least, read the script?