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Harper Wednesday

once again begging for the double date series w murph and emily

Sam Schilling

Please get Murph and Emily to watch the Double Date vids with you


Question must have been the original Amir's Dad joke.

Lorne Mintz

Watch Photobooth and ‘Twas a Dream two unreleased episodes. The channel that has them on YouTube is Shadeviking

Matt Harper

Watch Video Chat and Chat Roulette, two video based videos

dumbtgirl z_z

plz watch aunt and niece !!!

Brian Kluger

Watch Dave and Dave pt 2


Hi guys! Maybe for Halloween you could watch "Bizarro Office" and "My Bloody Valentine". Not Jake and Amir videos, just two Hardly Workings that still freak me out.


Thank you guys for finally accepting one of my requests!!!! Love J&A watch J&A so much. I agree with all the people saying to watch Dave and Dave Pt 2. Jake is in lottery school!!

Alex Capo

Watch Love is Blind

Hunter Snider

Favor is the episode where Amir invented the Kubrick stare. And then Stanley Kubrick freakin' ganked it

David Everling

to everyone asking them for double date w/ murph and emily: there’s basically a 100% chance that they’re saving those eps for a finale. that way they could end on a high note instead of closing out the j&a portion of the watch series with some shitty eps from 2008 or whatever lol though i hope they continue the watch series with other stuff, like lonely and horny, hardly working, and older headgum eps (the latter two they’ve already dipped their toes into which is promising) no matter what though i’ll never cease my support for these wonderful people who have not only brought me so much joy, but shaped me and my best friend’s sense of humour from 2007 when we were kids, all the way up to present day at 27

Kelly DePalma

Now that you've talked about bodegas in NYC delivering, you should watch Lunch Meeting.

Lucas Campoli

doesnt favor have a postscript?

Gareth Mumby

watch Baby and Mouse Trap, the first two I remember watching!

Lexi Temple

Why would cars rob people when they could change their name to Robert People?


Watch Dave (David) parts 1 and 2. Two eps with a pretty hard to find common thread

Sean Surber

Watch Spanish Teacher Prank and Challenges por favor

Nikolaus Cox

Aww, you guys didn’t watch through to the end scene (after the CH logo) of Favor, where Amir is licking the glass clean, doggy style.

Tom Crawford

Ya’ll need to watch World Cup and Rolex

Jorge B

Flip cameras . They were so cool back in the days.


Jake has told that robot story many, many times lol