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A tradition unlike any other :(

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We deserve... exactly this.

Sean Surber

I couldn’t even find Joe Biden on my ballot. I had to write him in! It was fricken rigged!


not my proudest fap


From Switzerland. First of all, no, our elections are very low-key, uninteresting and due to having a coalition government, it's impossible for one right wing nut job to impose his insanity on the country. Secondly, things would have continued being awful in Gaza and Lebanon but I am deeply worried this is going to escalate things to an absolutely insane degree. There's a chance that Kamala's stupid stance on Gaza also partially cost her the presidency. This won't just affect the US either. I fear as well that Trump getting into power again will encourage a bunch of right wing nutjobs across the world to take power. It's a profoundly strange and scary time, I sincerely hope that things don't become absolutely horrendous but if they do, I hope that at least it'll wake people up and real change will be the result.

Eric Canales

I think I'm down to vote today

Jiang Shao

This is why I unsubscribed. This video is just 35 minutes of complaining about politics. Like where’s the new content? I don’t even know why I’m still subscribed to the headgum YouTube channel. The only good thing about it, the comedy skits, have stopped. This Patreon is just these guys re-re-watching old videos, starting from vending machine. Whoever still support you guys in your old age should get this stuff for free. FOR FREE I say. Does this even qualify as content anymore?


Sad day for America, wishing you lot all the best

Antoinette Clare

I was waiting for this episode all of yesterday!! Please publish this 24 hours ago thanks

Lukas A Hendricks

This helped with the mood. Still feel terrible that he won.

Alexander Weber

How can you start chants this easily, Trump?

Brandon Barnes

It's almost as if this is exactly what they told you the content would be from the very beginning. It's almost as if you don't understand what it means to support a creator (a PERSON), or why you do so. It's almost as if you're entirely lost and irresponsible with your finances, since you're here paying for things you didn't care to evaluate beforehand. Leave. Your rant will go unheard except for those like me that stop to chortle for a few seconds. But I'm glad you got the catharsis you wanted, at least. It feels good to vent to the world.

Sean Surber

Smh Trump denying me of the weekly rewatch is tragic ngl. I was looking forward to it, especially this week!

Robbie Tribe

It's so weird, as a British person literally every person I've met is just so confused as to how Trump won again. Regardless of political leaning, views on brexit, immigration, any other issue. Seemingly everyone here sees Trump as a joke and surely americans can't be that different to brits?

Jeremiah N

If words piss you off this much, you have seriously psychological problems.


Because people on the right have difficulty understanding that they get manipulated with fear and anger - if they were American they'd be Trump voters.


Its not that kamala wasnt able to distance herself from joe, she *refused* to distance herself. The one time she did was to say that biden calling trump voters garbage was a meany-bo-beany thing to say! All this work trying to court republican voters instead of trying to energize her own base just for us to *lose* republican voters from last election is why we lost so catastrophicly. And of course you can count on the DNC learning exactly 0 lessons from this and they will probably continue to tack right and hemmorage support from their base. REPUBLICANS WILL NEVER LET YOU TO CONVINCE THEM TO VOTE FOR YOU THEY ALREADY HAVE A PARTY THEY ARE VERY LOYAL TO. So by moving right all youre doing is signaling to voters that republicans are right when that is NOT the reality. They need to grow a backbone and actually fight for shit people want! Endlessly frustrating political party.


Also I fucking hate Florida. We killed amendments for legal weed and abortion. Such an irredeemable shit hole of a state.


Biden would have lost by even more millions of votes. The swap for kamala was a good move. A full primary obviously would have been 100000 times better but people were excited for a new person. They were excited when she chose walz. They were excited when they started calling them out for being weird freaks. And then they stopped that and started ignoring their base in favor of a demographic of people that never existed.


Condolences on the election. But would it be rude to start taking bets now on how many years this presidency is going to last?

Logan Mellis

Not uploading a regular episode we're all paying for and expecting but instead posting a 35 minute rant of you guys not understanding how Trump won is insane. I don't know if you guys are just that out of touch or you're so biased you refuse to accept it but this isn't what people are paying for.. Everything you post recently is flooded with politics, even the pod. I love you guys and can just ignore the shitty takes usually but this is too much.

Logan Mellis

They promised "high quality content" and multiple shows. I still pay for it to simply support them but their effort levels have consistently dropped for years.. this is supposed to be an exchange.

Gabriel Villarreal

Thanks for posting this, needed t a laugh and to feel crazy with someone

Kris Barnes

Would you be able to drop this as an audio version?

Bobson Dugnutt

I blame Democrats for being out of touch, mostly. Their messaging really only appeals to places they're already guaranteed to win. They're genuinely terrible at relating to the average blue collar worker in the Midwest. These typically aren't union workers, and they often don't care one way or the other about social issues. The only news they consume is what pops up on their Facebook feed or the local news. Their bank account and 401k under the last administration compared to now will determine their vote. Literally the only thing they care about at the end of the day is their ability to feed their family. Dems have to understand having a strong stance on things like abortion, trans rights, etc, while great, won't move the needle in the states they need to win. The platform needs to focus on how they can help working class families in that region. Take a page out of Bernie's book.

Becket Hill

I think Amir would enjoy the Incerto series by Taleb. He hits on a lot of the points about predictions here.

Jorel Hoffert

You know, if you just google “US Election Results”, it gives you exactly the info you’re asking for. A map, then only swing state stats.

Charlie L

Get fucked Logan, nobody cares what you think. I'm stoked they posted this, and would love to see more.

Jack Z

Alright guys I've enjoyed this series but let's end it with pt. 2 please. This is the perfect finale.

hayden cragg

never thought id see the day wed get a part 2

Schon Siguenza

Can you guys please watch 30th Birthday and Couch for Sale? I don’t think you’ve watched them back yet and they always make me laugh 😂

Matthew Knapman

I've never understood Democrats obsessions with the idea that the Latino population would be pro open borders and a lax idea on illegal immigration. The amount of time, money and hardships it takes to legally emagrate to the United States and then they see people just skipping all of that and it being fine is bound to annoy them. Why did they bother going through all that when they could have just skipped the line? Democrats for sure need to work on their messaging in that regard.


I am also sad and scared for me and my daughter. Unfortunately we’re in Texas. :(

Tom Crawford

UK is chillin oucchea

Yes Lad

Good luck everybody!

ethan brown

no mention of gaza? that was a major factor in this election any yet both the coy boys are ignoring it.

Brian Kluger

I blame republicans for systematically gutting education for 30 years, resulting in a shocking number of morons who don’t understand that inflation was global and was caused by the pandemic, including TFG’s horrid response to it. A population with zero ability to think critically is very easily controlled by the evil oligarchs who are hell bent on hoarding as much money as possible.


It really wasn't. Honestly the biggest factors are just people feeling that the economic vibe is shitty. That's clearly how most regular people that aren't in politics vote.

Nate Davis

We need Gavin Newsome. Basically our own Trump lmao

henry kirby

Look at the voting in Muslim and Arab communities and large university areas, it did have an impact.

Rowan Zen Ward

I live in the UK so I can't say I'm properly qualified to talk about the election. But, it seems to me that the American political system is just too bipolar. You might be an ordinary American but you are concerned about censorship, political correctness and have an idea that socialism is an extreme ideology. These are all things the Democratic party has come to represent, whereas Trump, through all his character flaws, is the symbolic leader or figurehead for a rage against "woke" and infringements on personal liberty. There should definitely be other less extreme options open to people from what I can see.

Marcos Ortega (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-18 22:17:49 What it is you people like to say? “If you don’t like it, leave”
2024-11-11 22:02:37 What it is you people like to say? “If you don’t like it, leave”

What it is you people like to say? “If you don’t like it, leave”

Tommy McGlone

longtime fan of J&A, if you’ve been watching them/listening to the pod for a while, their silence on this (now and over the past year) isn’t too surprising. unfortunate, but not too surprising

Justin Lee

They're Jewish with Israeli friends and family. They're more personally invested in one side of it than most Americans are and for that reason you can totally understand why it's best to keep their thoughts and feelings private — lest they be tainted with bias, or if some of the issue is too personal to talk about.

Justin Lee

Very much feels like a whole bunch of people vote for President based on vibes alone. Especially after seeing those states where they went blue down the ticket but Trump still won. I think the Dems having their own dickhead figurehead bossman type, who appeals to people's desire for their daddies or whatever, could work.


wow Amir has legitimately better analysis than cable news lol

Chimpman (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-18 22:17:49 The problem is, THE DEMS AREN'T FOR OPEN BORDERS. It's literally a made up lie by the right. No serious Democrat political has ever advocated for an open border lmao.
2024-11-15 09:20:57 The problem is, THE DEMS AREN'T FOR OPEN BORDERS. It's literally a made up lie by the right. No serious Democrat politician has ever advocated for an open border lmao.

The problem is, THE DEMS AREN'T FOR OPEN BORDERS. It's literally a made up lie by the right. No serious Democrat politician has ever advocated for an open border lmao.


Use the search function before you request an episode that's already been watched.

Jan Hesters

I'm German, but from what I've heard from my independent (and even some democrat) friends from the U.S., the #1 reason they voted for Trump is they realized how many things democrats say about them is untrue. Multiple friends even pointed me to this site: https://americandebunk.com/ It was weird to read because the messaging in Germany aligns more with democrat messaging, but it seems like many things (e.g. "Fine People") are actually just quotes out of context 🤔

Sequoya Waring

I understand why it appears this way, but the Democrat party is center-right. They do pass progressive legislation occasionally, but in general both major parties serve corporations, not the people. We definitely do need party diversity, but in our current system it’s nearly impossible for more than two parties to survive. Bernie Sanders was the closest we came to a socialist president and he was wildly popular, but the Democrats screwed him over because he threatened to actually help the working class. Trump is popular because he appeals to a sense of change that the working class of America desperately need, regardless of the fact he’s lying through his teeth.

Sequoya Waring

Democrats are definitely the “less extreme” party you’re looking for. Anything you hear about them being too far left, socialist, woke is all made up by Republicans. That said, I think we do need a viable left-wing party in this country to solve our biggest issues.

Joseph Vaz

What? That website cites no sources, and is very clearly a faux "fact-checking" website that panders to those who already hold views aligning with MAGA. I find it hard to believe that "multiple" independent and democratic friends sent you that website, and have a feeling that you just wanted to try to push this website to an audience that you know would normally be unreceptive to this nonsense.


@henry kirby Sorry to break it to you, but most people who aren't chronically online don't give a shit about Israel/Palestine and most voters are probably on the side of Israel to begin with, considering they voted for Trump who is leagues more pro-Israel than Biden or Kamala. You're just wrong. Palestine is largely an internet issue and you need to get out in the real world. People vote on what affects them directly for the most part, you're in the minority of the average voter. Obviously more voters should care about these other things, but they just don't, and you're denying reality if you think it had any real impact.


The idea that the democratic party represents these things is literally entirely a fabrication of the right, though.