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Gee... another episode of Jake and Amir Watch Jake and Amir. Yippie. (Because sarcasm!)

Also something about having someone's hand up your ass. (Because puppet!)




You guys should watch the Dave episodes!! Many are clamoring for it.

Lorne Mintz

Watch Photobooth and ‘Twas a Dream two unreleased episodes. The channel that has them on YouTube is Shadeviking

Matt Harper

Video Chat and Chat Roulette!!!


You dweebs havent even watched "Jobs" yet

Aidan Sullivan

Please watch Jake and Amir: Weapons Most underrated episode (you guys will give it a C but its an A)


Jake and a Beer

Sam Zondervan

You guys could watch Off days: Jingle and Off days: Broadway. Two episodes where you both act like idiots.

Jarod With

Watch Gross Websites! I beg of thee

Brian Kluger

Please watch Dave and Dave pt 2!

Adam Winograd

Here’s two oldies you haven’t seen: Explanation and DVD. Two eps based around Amir’s faulty memory.

Brian Kluger

I’m excited for the “Jake and Amir watch ‘Jake and Amir watch Jake and Amir’” where they reveal this episode was branded content for eBay

Robbie Tribe

None of the Rick Fox vids watched yet? Come on, give him the eggs!

Luther B

How about the girlfriend series? That’s a top tier, multi part mini series for you coy divas to jump into.


Crazy how they completely skipped over the intro of sarcasm. Thought they’d atleast make a comment… not even a knowing smile!!

Leonard Mejia

How about Jake and Amir watch Lonely and Horny episode one

James H

Double date part 1 and 2!!

Schon Siguenza

I’m crying from the beginning of this 😂


There’s a Peanut puppet in the background of the video, which is a Jeff Dunham puppet!

Nate Davis

Still gotta watch Chris Cooley!