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In this episode we discuss eye-safety, soul mates, and hitting on painters.


If I Were You - Episode 33: Trap Porn

In this episode we discuss eye-safety, soul mates, and hitting on painters.



Honestly, "trap" porn is kind of a bigoted term. It's basically the implication that people who are transgender are tricking people into having sex with them. Not faulting you guys, just the question asker!

Jordan Becker

Just for the record Jake could totally rock a buzz. Think Aaron Paul vibes but maybe a little less edge.

Greg Truong

The shadow from the mic makes it look like Jake has a huge coffee stain on his shirt


This was such a good one! Love the loopy "this is our third one in a row" energy.

Jeremiah N

Trap is a transphobic slur, dudes! This would be like having "chink" or "spic" in the title.


Oops. Did not know! Title changed. Thanks.


Ehh idk man, many adult content creators have trap in their usernames actually. The 2 words you used are much more harsh imo. But still safer to remove the word I suppose

Joshua Reed

This is PC culture gone mad. Trap isn't a slur you fool... It's nothing like using spic or chink.

Jorel Hoffert

"Trap" *is* transphobic. Sure makes one of my trans friends feel like shit.

The Master

What do the idiots think “trap” refers to? There are people who murder trans women bc they believe they’re being tricked into being with men


Exactly. This isn't "PC culture gone mad." Women are literally dying.