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In this episode we watch the two videos we shot during Hurricane Sandy, and discuss whether or not we made a difference in this crazy world...


Jake and Amir Watch Sunday Football & Hurricane Charity

Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. In this episode we watch the two videos we shot during Hurricane Sandy, and discuss whether or not we made a difference in this crazy world...



sunday football makes me laugh all the way through, easy A+

Sean L Byrne

It's so funny how much more the fans know about the series than Jake and Amir themselves- the genesis of the Amir Blumenfeld foundation for not giving a shit was like, 2009 or 2008 or something lol

Matt Thomas

I don't understand you boys being harsh on yourself for a 'lack of social awareness', or however you said it. I don't think depicting the kind of stuff video-Amir does can in any way be interpreted as you condoning it. Its fair if you think you wouldn't make this content in 2020 but don't be so hard on yourselves. I think it holds up, its not like 1920s racist cartoons or anything.

Louwagie Thomas (edited)

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2022-03-06 14:10:04 Yeah true I don't like the 'social awareness part'. Let comedy be comedy... Amir afterall is a goddamn weirdo & psycho :). Don't bring these pieces of pure golden comedy down because everyone is very sensitive about everything these days.
2020-01-09 14:17:33 Yeah true I don't like the 'social awareness part'. Let comedy be comedy... Amir afterall is a goddamn weirdo & psycho :). Don't bring these pieces of pure golden comedy down because everyone is very sensitive about everything these days.

Yeah true I don't like the 'social awareness part'. Let comedy be comedy... Amir afterall is a goddamn weirdo & psycho :). Don't bring these pieces of pure golden comedy down because everyone is very sensitive about everything these days.

Bolo Santosi (edited)

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2022-03-06 14:10:04 There was one ep called "Football Game" with Ricky Van Veen. So maybe that's why you called it "Sunday Football." I don't think the voyeurism thing or Amir being sexist is offensive. He's an idiot and she proves she's clearly smarter than he is and he makes an ass of himself. I don't know how that could be interpreted as offensive. It's an A+ for me . Charity is a C but it's also barely a J&A video and more of a PSA. Also, hilarious how Amir talks about auto erotic asphyxiation and a couple months later catches Jake doing the same thing in Ace and Jocelyn! Haha
2020-01-09 16:31:38 There was one ep called "Football Game" with Ricky Van Veen. So maybe that's why you called it "Sunday Football." I don't think the voyeurism thing or Amir being sexist is offensive. He's an idiot and she proves she's clearly smarter than he is and he makes an ass of himself. I don't know how that could be interpreted as offensive. It's an A+ for me . Charity is a C but it's also barely a J&A video and more of a PSA. Also, hilarious how Amir talks about auto erotic asphyxiation and a couple months later catches Jake doing the same thing in Ace and Jocelyn! Haha

There was one ep called "Football Game" with Ricky Van Veen. So maybe that's why you called it "Sunday Football." I don't think the voyeurism thing or Amir being sexist is offensive. He's an idiot and she proves she's clearly smarter than he is and he makes an ass of himself. I don't know how that could be interpreted as offensive. It's an A+ for me . Charity is a C but it's also barely a J&A video and more of a PSA. Also, hilarious how Amir talks about auto erotic asphyxiation and a couple months later catches Jake doing the same thing in Ace and Jocelyn! Haha

Kamil Banaszczyk

I would be very disappointed if any of those videos would be taken down. I'm from Poland, so your level of social awareness is way higher than ours, but i'm familiar with how seriously it is treated in USA. Let's not get crazy, for example misogynistic joke here is made by Amir. So if we think about it you guys are portraing misogynistic people as sociopaths who struggle with life, also everytime Amir make wrong joke or statement Jake is always emberassed and trying to stop him. This is woke, and it shouldn't be removed, i hope you are just joking about it

Evan von thaer

Sunday Football is A+, Double S, Pier One, peerless.

Valter Östberg

You should have Sam on the show, now that he's the majority owner of CH.

Harrison Priest

Honestly, Sunday Football had you guys laughing more than anything else in the series. It's kind of an unknown episode, and so it was fresh for me as well. I think that was the best clip of the entire Patreon. With the stabbing part being the zenith. I'm high.

Small Golem

I'm begging, please start selling shirts for the Amir Blumenfeld Foundation for Not Giving a Shit

Matt Lorenzo

This is 100% not the first Amir Blumenfeld foundation for not giving a shit. I honestly thought it was mentioned more than 3 times.

Joseph Canavan

Will College humour going bust mean yous can create Jake and Amir content

Ian (edited)

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2022-03-06 14:10:03 Can y’all watch table read 1&2 with Murph and Emily? Some of my favorite episodes
2020-01-13 00:57:41 Can y’all watch table read 1&2 with Murph and Emily? Some of my favorite episodes

Can y’all watch table read 1&2 with Murph and Emily? Some of my favorite episodes

Alex Capo

Sunday football is one of my all time favorites

David Cummins

I would love to see more of where you wanted to take the characters of what you guys wanted "Jake" and "Amir" to represent, and where you wanted to take the characters. Amir's character had so many insights into popular culture at the time it was AMAZING! Long time fan of the show :)

Thomas Birch

I always lose it at Vinny almost choking on his beer when Amir says he's into voyeurism

Richard Barlow

This faux woke position of "oh we couldn't say that now/ shouldn't have said that then" really misses the point. Sunday football is a golden video that holds up completely and would still do well today. It's frustrating for the fans to keep hearing you distance yourselves from those elements.

Adam Ricco

Great episode guys!! Absolutely loved it :)

Solomon Hill

Great episode, but Sunday Football came out in like 2011 not 2016

Zack Conrad

There are certain videos where I can see why you would say you couldn’t make them today. Older videos often show Amir (even Jake at one point) calling things “gay” that you don’t like and using the R word once or twice. But I am hard pressed to find something about Sunday Football game that would legitimately attract negative attention based on the content. PS I’m 99% the taxes episode where the Amir Blumenfeld Foundation for Not Giving a Shit came out before Hurricane Relief by quite a ways, and I think that reference would have been a relatively deep callback by the time Hurricane Relief came out.

Bryce Smith

The notification for these makes me so happy. Also Fashion Blog would be a perfect one to react to! I think it's a really great episode based on the standards yall have laid out so far.

Bryce Smith (edited)

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2022-03-06 14:10:03 It was actually exactly 3 times, two of which had "Charity" in the title. https://scripts.jakeandamir.com/index.php?search=Amir+blumenfeld+foundation+for+not+&from-date=&to-date=&do-search=1
2020-01-23 08:16:35 It was actually exactly 3 times, two of which had "Charity" in the title. https://scripts.jakeandamir.com/index.php?search=Amir+blumenfeld+foundation+for+not+&from-date=&to-date=&do-search=1

It was actually exactly 3 times, two of which had "Charity" in the title. https://scripts.jakeandamir.com/index.php?search=Amir+blumenfeld+foundation+for+not+&from-date=&to-date=&do-search=1

Kim Moatamedi

I absolutely LOVE Sunday Football. I know people here and there may get upset if it was put up today but I still find it fucking hilarious


I'd love to see murph and emily on the show

Brandon Wilcox

Sunday Football was an A+ video for sure

Nikolaus Cox

I spent a bad amount of time when 'Hurricane Charity' first aired looking up 'we're going spam', sure that it was some kind of take on an insensitive saying, that it was a reference to something problematic. It gives me a great deal of closure all these years later to know that neither Jake nor Amir know why 'we're going spam' was in poor taste either.

Justin Z

You can do any jokes today. Don't let outrage determine what's funny. Follow the Ricky Gervais model.

Noel S.

The ending joke to Hurricane Charity is hilariously insane.


can we talk about how at 7:45 Jake has the exact same reaction as in the skit when Amir was sexist? That's nuts I tell ya, nuts!

Kim Moatamedi

This is by far one of my favorite episodes. A+ for me and also the whole point of Amir is that he isn’t socially aware. I think they could’ve done this now

Adam Barker

As long as you aren't punching down and actively hurting social movements, any joke can be done well.

Adam Barker

Yea, things like Amir's sexism IS feminist because he is clearly a moron.