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We are back with Episode Three of our Patreon Exclusive animated series, "STUCK." Nothing can stop Jake, he's all the way up! Animated by the Incomparable Jakob Strunk.


Peyton Abrams

Make more of these please cheese louise

Red Green

It was a good run… for four months back in 2021


I do not particularly like these animations. I think that voice acting is a distinct skill and that, although you are both great comedians, this skill is not one that comes naturally to you.


That was a 3 star rating you guys just upheld!


This was so unique and hilarious. I cringed, but in a good way. Awesome.

Dan Rice

They can’t all be winners

Ricky Stevens

P.U. Poo. This episode was a real stinker


Oof. Easily the worst animated one thus far.

Lorenzo Caro

I thought it was fine

Charlie L

favorite one so far, the animation style really throws me tho

Ricky Stevens

What was bad about it? The stiff delivery? The timing being off? The poor animation? Don’t just say “it’s bad”. That’s pure poison to my ears.

Mikhail Shevchenko

I do think they should keep trying in spite of that, with some constructive feedback they can definitely improve


they are fine just as audio as it were, on the day

Nate Davis

I’d say this is the best one so far !


Is that my pizza in dere?

carlin hounjet

Love these. Wish there was a budget to do them in fully cinematic live action


nah this was a little off but the first 2 were very promising they should keep this up

Peter Willis

You circle jetting divas need to be more positive. I'm loving the extra content so it would be awesome if people didn't try to discourage them from making more.

Joshua Hall

You guys will find your stride with these, they have so much potential :D Maybe a little less character acting, and more focus on riffing on the scenario itself?

Ricky Stevens

This sounds like a USA Rice tweet. The people in this comment section need more JOY.

D. Alchemist

i liked this one the best


he has a three star rating, dude. i GET that.

Daniel House

Amir's "Garbage becomes perfect over time" philosophy does not apply to real life

Nathan Martin

idk, fucking... computer

Taylor Allen

They jumped the carp… sorry guys this one was not good

Sam Friedman

I guess I agree that this episode was weaker than the other two, but I genuinely don't understand the hate. Am I missing something? Why is everyone shitting on it?


I bet Geoff loves this.

Ricky Stevens

I mean, as paid content I think people are allowed to voice their opinion. While this episode was doggie doo, it doesn’t devalue any of the other content on here.

Jorge Collings

I love you guys but the comedy in these just feels really low effort.. Like you guys spent about 5 minutes coming up with the ideas... I feel sorry for the animator, he barely has anything to work with :(

Tom Fletcher (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-06 12:48:05 Here’s me thinking: arguably the funniest moments in your career, across your vast roster of episodes and projects come from organic and almost improvised takes. I think animation is hindering this style of comedy and your focus should instead be diverted to expanding the audience as Jake and Amir is resurrected; those real-life interactions are what people LOVE about J&A.
2021-08-17 09:39:56 Here’s me thinking: arguably the funniest moments in your career, across your vast roster of episodes and projects come from organic and almost improvised takes. I think animation is hindering this style of comedy and your focus should instead be diverted to expanding the audience as Jake and Amir is resurrected; those real-life interactions are what people LOVE about J&A.

Here’s me thinking: arguably the funniest moments in your career, across your vast roster of episodes and projects come from organic and almost improvised takes. I think animation is hindering this style of comedy and your focus should instead be diverted to expanding the audience as Jake and Amir is resurrected; those real-life interactions are what people LOVE about J&A.

Christopher Lennon

I think we need more constructive criticism in this siggestion box, and less haterade. I mean, why change perfection? I have no notes. This is brilliant. I look forward to the evolution. Keep them coming!

carlin hounjet

No it's a series called "Stuck" where two characters get stuck in various places and situations

Sam Friedman

Of course, I didn't mean to imply that people shouldn't be critical of things they don't like. I'm just honestly surprised that everyone thought this was bad enough to warrant the haterade. I thought it was mildly entertaining

Kyle Amundson (edited)

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2022-03-06 12:48:04 I enjoy these, but I think they could definitely take better advantage of the animated format, and if they did I think more people would come around. So far these have been written more or less like episodes of J&A, but with animation maybe they could become more like looks at the stories Amir would tell in the office? Rather than just more silly conversations?
2021-08-17 15:20:28 I enjoy these, but I think they could definitely take better advantage of the animated format, and if they did I think more people would come around. So far these have been written more or less like episodes of J&A, but with animation maybe they could become more like looks at the stories Amir would tell in the office? Rather than just more silly conversations?

I enjoy these, but I think they could definitely take better advantage of the animated format, and if they did I think more people would come around. So far these have been written more or less like episodes of J&A, but with animation maybe they could become more like looks at the stories Amir would tell in the office? Rather than just more silly conversations?

Ricky Stevens

Yeah I’m kind of surprised as well. It’s not like this is the reason people subscribe to the Patreon, it’s more of a bonus throw in. I’m sure Jake and Amir both know this sucked, they were probably just being nice to the animator. It seems like the animator learned just the fundamental basics of whatever program they use, and stopped there. I really don’t think it’s a “style choice” it’s simply poor execution. Bottom line is this show is awful, but it’s nothing to be upset about.

David Furtick

Yeah, one of the main benefits of animation over live action is that you're way less limited on what you can show - locations/backgrounds, props, effects, etc. You can instantly teleport to a new "set" and it costs roughly the same. And yet this whole series is based on them being stuck in one location at a time. It's like a bottle episode except they have the budget/freedom to "film" anywhere, they're just choosing not to.

Joel T

I don't get the sheee thing

Jamarroquai (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-06 12:48:04 Loved the first two & am still very excited to see all of the other episodes you guys put together. With that being said, this one was definitely lacking. The writing seemed rushed & the jokes weren't very thought out. Felt as if you guys didn't have enough time to fully flesh this idea out. The sheesh jokes felt awkwardly placed & will become dated too quickly. Amir telling on Jake's character felt out-of-place based on the rest of their encounter (sure, we as the viewer know that's like him, but business man has no introduction to just how insane Amir is). Even a good portion of the banter just seemed awkward, like we didn't get enough development between these two particular characters for the humor to really shine. As far as suggestions go aside from this critique, I think you guys should look at this episode as an example of inadequate timing. Some of these jokes could have landed at least somewhat better if they came at a quicker pace. Remember that with animation comes a huge breadth of potential episode ideas that you would never be able to replicate in real life (on-location or on-set) because so far, while the parachute & Everest ones were much more creative, all of these locations & ideas are a bit too grounded in reality. I would consider thinking a bit more outside the box in the future to fully take advantage of the medium here. Please keep going; at the end of the day, the first two were awesome & I have been so excited to watch these as they release. Just start taking more risks, spending a bit more time on the writing & utilizing animation to its fullest extent.
2021-08-18 08:52:25 Loved the first two & am still very excited to see all of the other episodes you guys put together. With that being said, this one was definitely lacking. The writing seemed rushed & the jokes weren't very thought out. Felt as if you guys didn't have enough time to fully flesh this idea out. The sheesh jokes felt awkwardly placed & will become dated too quickly. Amir telling on Jake's character felt out-of-place based on the rest of their encounter (sure, we as the viewer know that's like him, but business man has no introduction to just how insane Amir is). Even a good portion of the banter just seemed awkward, like we didn't get enough development between these two particular characters for the humor to really shine. As far as suggestions go aside from this critique, I think you guys should look at this episode as an example of inadequate timing. Some of these jokes could have landed at least somewhat better if they came at a quicker pace. Remember that with animation comes a huge breadth of potential episode ideas that you would never be able to replicate in real life (on-location or on-set) because so far, while the parachute & Everest ones were much more creative, all of these locations & ideas are a bit too grounded in reality. I would consider thinking a bit more outside the box in the future to fully take advantage of the medium here. Please keep going; at the end of the day, the first two were awesome & I have been so excited to watch these as they release. Just start taking more risks, spending a bit more time on the writing & utilizing animation to its fullest extent.

Loved the first two & am still very excited to see all of the other episodes you guys put together. With that being said, this one was definitely lacking. The writing seemed rushed & the jokes weren't very thought out. Felt as if you guys didn't have enough time to fully flesh this idea out. The sheesh jokes felt awkwardly placed & will become dated too quickly. Amir telling on Jake's character felt out-of-place based on the rest of their encounter (sure, we as the viewer know that's like him, but business man has no introduction to just how insane Amir is). Even a good portion of the banter just seemed awkward, like we didn't get enough development between these two particular characters for the humor to really shine. As far as suggestions go aside from this critique, I think you guys should look at this episode as an example of inadequate timing. Some of these jokes could have landed at least somewhat better if they came at a quicker pace. Remember that with animation comes a huge breadth of potential episode ideas that you would never be able to replicate in real life (on-location or on-set) because so far, while the parachute & Everest ones were much more creative, all of these locations & ideas are a bit too grounded in reality. I would consider thinking a bit more outside the box in the future to fully take advantage of the medium here. Please keep going; at the end of the day, the first two were awesome & I have been so excited to watch these as they release. Just start taking more risks, spending a bit more time on the writing & utilizing animation to its fullest extent.


It’s not the animation people dislike- it’s the low effort jokes and voice acting. This episode felt so crapped out


@Ricky I highly doubt they "know [it] sucked", lol. If they thought it sucked they wouldn't have uploaded it...

Scott Jones

Weird I thought this was the funniest one

James H

love you guys and want to love this but more effort would be extremely appreciated haha


eat one yet, crying

Bolo Santosi

"You're fired" "Sheeeeeesh"

Emily Jayne Peters

I personally love the Stuck series so far. Very fun and I'm actually cheesed to see what you do next with this format

Charlotte Young

I think maybe a lot of the negative reaction folk have had might stem from Jake moving distinctly away from the classic "Jake" character; the past couple of episodes he has generally been some version of that, while this guy was (almost) entirely new. I feel like they're playing around with new ideas and I like it. I didn't really get the "sheee" thing either to be honest, but I had fun watching and I'm looking forward to the next :)

Nicolai Christensen

I-I-I don't h-have to watch 'em?! W-wha -- ?! I-I thought I was legally obligated to consume every piece of media presented to me!! Thank God Almighty a genius like you came along to open my previously tight shut eyes. I want to personally show my unending gratitude. Do you accept PayPal by any chance, Miss Genius?

Shaun Hautly

Who was the boss’s voice?

Noel S.

Leron's expanding into Pizza? Good for him.

Dave Ruben

It was perfect, and it's still perfect

Archie S

"You're fired, Hurwitz." Or should I say Hur-bitch?

Caleb Rhys Te Are

Amirs working for his cousins Pizza place

Ebad Khan

ooo this one was rly good


This series is amazing

Ricky Stevens

Lol Emily. That’s my absolute all time favorite come back when someone criticizes something you enjoy. People are allowed to voice their options.

Boyd Mott III

When are we getting episode 4

Deric Chan

This is a good series!! Jake looking like Patrick Bateman it's hilarious