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Today we're watching two CLASSIC eps! What more do you want??


Lachlan Hoy

i continue to request fedora and tinder, the two best insecure jake eps youve released.

Joe pugh

You should do the Double Date episodes with Murph and Emily.


Fashion Blog makes me think of a new Jake and Amir idea where Amir has a Bleep Button or something but keeps bleeping the wrong words and not the actual swear words. Even bleeps Jakes mean words to pretend he never heard them.

Connor Stewart

You should listen to Lachlan Hoy and/or Joe Pugh.


Might I siggest Finale Parts 5 and 6? Both involve long one takes.

ethan brown

week 9 of asking jake and amir to watch finale part 2 and 3

Lorne Mintz

Watch Photobooth and ‘Twas a Dream two unaired episodes that exist on YouTube. The channel is Shadeviking. Photoboth is the only episode that actually explains Amir’s Job.


Please watch Personality Quiz and Friend Quiz. The relation I feel is obvious

Tom Noble

Please watch "Ballgame" and "Basketball Game" 2 Episodes Amir ruins the game AGAIN


These eps are both As, they're so classic!

Todd Skinner

Watch Dinner Jokes and Waitress, two episodes where Amir is harassing the same waitress while eating out at PGI Fugley's. Also Amir claims it's his birthday in both episodes

Sarah rose

I realize it would be a longer vid but I would absolutely love if you guys watched the double date series. Still quote those eps on the daily.

Grant Klairter

Have you guys done the girlfriend series yet? Love those videos

Charlotte Young

Fun fact, Aunty Donna (those Australian comedians you like) do that "bleeping at the wrong moment" joke in their sketch Two People Wear The Same Tie To Work :D

William Brandt

Watch the Double Date series!

Nicholas Ghobrial

Great J&A watch. I love the commentary and looking back on other iterations of the script. Plus a nearly 17 minute episode!

Alex Walls

I've been waiting for karate for ages, my favorite ep

Bolo Santosi

Take that dancing queeeen!

Owen Bisher

Anu directed three episodes of She-Hulk this past year

Eric Carman

Can you guys watch Tickets and Normal Conversation? No link to my knowledge. I just like both episodes.

Ali Rigby

you guys should watch High School Friend and Sleeping Pills, 2 episodes where jake has admitted to looking his fattest


the "ponytails are for ponies" line is one of my favourite lines in jake & amir, it's so perfect

Justin E

Need you guys to have Geoff on to watch headgum videos

Russell Richardson

I’m still a master but my name got taken out?

Finn Ickler

Why not upload the original scripts on Patreon so they can be added to the script archive?


Widely agreed that Fashion Blog was a great episode


Waitress, and Dinner Jokes

Michael Muise

I don't remember suggesting these eps

Aaron Cotler (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-14 18:00:44 Watch J&A "Chugging" and "Micah's Facebook." Two episodes where Amir is weird on Jake's family's Facebook
2023-05-06 12:45:27 Watch J&A "Chugging" and "Micah's Facebook." Two episodes where Amir is weird on Jake's family's Facebook

Watch J&A "Chugging" and "Micah's Facebook." Two episodes where Amir is weird on Jake's family's Facebook

Taylor North


Kadin Rivas

I agree, everyone has been waiting patiently for the Cheryl and Rick Foxx episodes

Remy Poulin

yeah i got a tip for ya. why don’t you two go fudge yourselves!!

Cassandra Claflin

I wonder if they're waiting to be able to get Cheryl's actress or Rick Foxx on the show with them, because that's the only reason I can think of.

Hilton Pintor Bezerra Leite

Watch scrapbook and profile pic, two photo centric episodes suggested by YouTube when I searched for inexistent “Jake and Amir photo book”

Ebad Khan

wht happened to the new ep?


no idea but its understandable for it to be posted late, seeing as how we're all suffering from brain fog/zoom fatigue at this point

Billybobham Ham8

We deserve so much more than than than than...this

Jake B

both A's furr shurr

Taylor North


Ronald Jordan

Something I think Amir would have said “ I think I have mono. can one of you doctor guys take a look at me? I think I have a legit ray romano”