(CW: Nudity) Ro and Velik References! (Patreon)
Don't worry if you can't read those notes, they're more for me than anything else haha
Also, the initial Ro drawings are a bit out-of-date with his current design. I'll likely still be ironing things out forever, but for the time being I think the outfit references you see are as close to official as I'll be getting. It's been some time since I've really explored characters with patterns, but it used to be a fav for me and I'd always give my characters different types particular to them.
More about them and their clothes!
Ro prefers repetitive, geometric shapes that are generally simple and bold. He does like colors and flashiness but currently tends towards a more muted and monochromatic palette. For as vibrant and charismatic as he can be, his style doesn't seem to match at times. If you pay attention, it's clear he's careful to portray himself as both friendly, but also inconspicuous. Even the choice of outfits comes as a result of his desire to retain his Delan identity while also respecting the Creatik aesthetic. He tries to find outfits that wouldn't be too distracting from what they're used to seeing, but also maintains a level of pride in being from Del. In his mind, he's only a guest here so he doesn't have much of a desire to integrate himself too deeply into the culture. As such, he also doesn't put as much effort as he typically would in expressing himself in a bolder way clothing-wise. And again, his intent is to keep a lower profile. If you wanna psychoanalyze him, I'm sure that his desire to be in control of himself and to uphold certain, rather strict rules, bleeds into his preferences too. I say all that, but at first glance, you'd take him for a fairly lax guy who doesn't think too much on these sorts of things. He was like that some time ago. A bit of a frat boy actually, but man things can change real quick. Though he still retains some old habits...
Velik on the other hand is really into organic shapes that can be a bit ambiguous. There aren't too many patterns out there that are overtly bird-related, and if they are, they're not to his personal preference. As a result, he tries to go for patterns that can be interpreted as plants but also possibly as feathers. It's a bit silly, but it's his subtle way of showing his devotion to his patron god (Korfei). At the same time, as a Seer, it's basically obligatory to wear symbols of Dena, the Goddess of the Loom and of fate (the overall patron goddess of Seers amongst other things). He has to balance these other sorts of symbols so that it doesn't imply favoritism towards another god more than his overall patron goddess. Personally, disregarding gods and the like, he likes these almost lotus-shaped designs that represent a common Creatik flower as well as one from Ai-Wu, where his family is from. It's his way of finding a balance between the two identities. As you can tell, he tends to be quite intentional with the designs of his clothes in a way particular to his upbringing in a temple where symbolism is rife. That said, he's overall quite trendy and youthful with his outfits haha. Some would consider it a "cute" way of dressing. If he weren't a Seer, he'd likely be quite experimental with his fashion.
I miss going into details like this. It was always one of my favorite things to do and really helps me get a feel for my characters. I do it to some extent with every character, but with those in the Legacy universe, it comes a bit easier since I've worked with the worldbuilding since middle school on and off. I hope y'all enjoy the exploration I've been doing with them! There'll always be more Lucent stuff of course, but it's been soooo satisfying to delve into a different setting after so long.