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Hey Everyone!  

This is Keledek Tower from Ghosts of Saltmarsh, however it can be used for any campaign.

I know "mazes" aren't for everyone, but I thought this would work to help prevent people from accessing Keledek's actual tower.  In my mind, the maze can work a few ways (the DM chooses the correct door to gain access to the tower):  

1. When the party goes through a wrong door, they end up back at the beginning.

2. When the party goes through a wrong door, it takes them somewhere completely different (another house, a forest clearing, where-ever you like).

3. There is nothing dangerous, but when a player opens the wrong door, roll on for a Wild Magic Chart.

Enjoy the house and the towers from last week to go with it!

Included here are:
Day and Night variations
Street View
No Grid
No Watermark



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