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Seems S3 mirrors are broken, looking into it


Good day.

This is config for KKManager to allow it to connect to S3 compatible services to grab the updates I post for AI Shoujo/HoneySelect2 and Anon11/DeathWeasel posts for Koikatsu/EmotionCreators/Koikatsu Sunshine.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I had hoped to make this public, but the rise in users utilizing this service has risen to a level where that really can't be done from a risk evaluation place.

There is no extra content, this is just for faster download speeds. This will also need to be reapplied whenever the password is reset. Failure to reapply or remove when the password expires means that KKManager will stop being able to check for updates.

(((Old keys are still active for a short while after new keys are made, so you have some time to change, but recommend doing it quickly when new keys are submitted)))

How to install:

Extract the archive containing config for the server you want to the root of the game you want to use it with. (the folder where the game exe's are located) so that the KKManager folder merges with the existing one.

- EU S3 Updater zip for European download location
- US S3 Updater zip for US-West download location
- Combo zip for combined EU, US and Public locations

How to remove:

Just remove the UpdateSourcesDebug file from the KKManager folder to revert to public download servers.

Planning to make more elegant solutions to this later, but this'll do for now (~.~)

(2155X and ManlyMarco have permission to share this on their own patreons at their $5 tier or higher. Pricepoint may be subject to change if usage exceeds projections)



Kit Gerrits

I don't want to brag, but I'm going to anyway: EU is getting me 30MB/s (that's megaBYTES), wow!

The Darkness

FYI this entire post and linked components is 100% Failure. System reports the link is expired or account suspended due to low rep. Which means this isn't useful and only $10+ really gain any benefits now.


It would seem to be suspended... I'll look into it tomorrow (currently quite late night here). Thank you for the heads up

The Darkness

Yep, no problem! Stupid question also, do the S3 compatible sources update slower than the main site/public sources, or do you try and have them matched in terms of updates?


It syncs from the same source as all other mirrors, so should be at most a few minutes between data availability in the different mirrors

The Darkness

Let me know when you do address this, i have a 100% assumption this will download much faster via these sources once fixed instead of the 2MB/s I get from the public servers. (on my symmetric gigabit line I can do up to like 60MB/s to some sources)

loli Lover

um this didn't do anything i follow the instructions to change kkmanager from public but its not finding your mods

Frank Leo

I am located in Asia, not sure which one I should use "for faster DL" ...


Kinda depends on where in asia. East you probably want US, for west you probably want EU


when i click us s3 it just says page cant be reached x,x


I'm getting an error on my end, that says KK Manager needs to be updated. But not sure how to do it.


you can get that update in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kkmanager-v0-13-39700951

Erkan Gumney

Sry, @ScrewThisNoise could you help me out i´m not familiar with that i download "EU S3 Updater" but what should i do with the file, do i need a programm for it? I would load the aktuell Sideloader when it´s possible.

재규 유

Can't download

재규 유

What is an archive?


I get the "Update failed. Something unexpected happened and the update could not be completed" error upon trying to update the manager.

쥐찬 자쥐자

What button should I press after running KKManager?

쥐찬 자쥐자

[enimaroah] Can you find the Twilek Head mod?

Andrew Manning II

So just a heads up, even with the new "combo" sources, I still get about 700-750 KB/s. Just for the hell of it I tried all 3 patreon only sources and get the same speed from all 3. IDK if it's my end because my normal speed on everything else is about 14 MB/s. It's only the mod updater that's that slow. I gave the updater a firewall exception, I've tried running it as admin, and nothing seems to speed things up. I'm in New York State if that helps.

Haru Nenji

I extracted the file in the game folder. What do I do next? launch update in the game launcher?


I'm from Taiwan, can I download any of the three files? After downloading, extract US S3 Updater.zip to the game root directory, and then open KK manager>look for update>select all>update selected mods,Is there anything wrong with my actions? thank you.


nothing changed in my game after following instructions


Hi. I was curious if I did something wrong? I put the file where it was suppose to go, but the updater still downloads around 760kbs. My typical download speed is 30mbs+. Not sure whats wrong.


this was worth the 5 bucks ngl


extract the file, then open, then copy the "UpdateSourcesDebug" and paste it in [Utility] KKmanager.


Wish i'd have read this tread sooner. Spent a few nights, downoloading at 200-300kbs/s. Now with the file in, I get 2-5mb/s (my normal speed).