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The last commission sketch. This one was more complicated, but I'm happy with the process.

I'm attaching a WIP of Bunny Suit Rylee because it's taking longer than I thought :P




hey, take your time. I reckon I speak for most people when I say we'd rather have a late upload than a rushed one.


Your style is so charming. This is the post that made me subscribe. ^^


I agree on this, I'd rather Tobias take his (correct me if I'm wrong) time on completing each drawing without being rushed to finish anything. Besides, I'd personally rather like to see a fully finished piece of art, than see a half-baked one

Miy Eterp

Wow 👀


😃Hope you’ve been having fun with working on the commissions, can’t wait to see them all done! 😁✨✨ (especially the Maddie ones XD)

Krazy Lad

Is she really alone? That little guy is up there, but he doesn't seem to mind