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Poor Fusco's ass. This episode was cute to see Reese with the kid, but also sad since he expressed the previous episode about wanting a more conventional life. Meanwhile, the mystery of Finch continues.


On the realism side of POI... the town that Alicia seems to have been hiding out in, actually exists. Green Bank, West Virginia really is the only town in America without wifi or cellphones. Super interesting to read about. It's a national radio quiet zone. Home to the Green Bank telescope... the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope.


Look at Fusco putting his ass on the line. He really has been trying to move beyond his past... if only they'd give him a little credit. I love that this episode went full in with embracing the underlying comic book bones of the show. As you're probably sick of hearing... creator Jonathan Nolan co-wrote the Dark Knight trilogy with his brother, Christopher Nolan. And he always wanted to explore some of those vigilante & surveillance state themes in the day to day.