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Amanda P

The Chris cameo 😭😭

Ed Green

Every time someone mentions the idea of utopia I always think of Derek Jacobi's Master saying 'Utopia!' derisively. To quote the song about utopia from the spring break Gilmore Girls episode, 'if it makes them money they might just give you life this time.' Remember 2 episodes ago when you wondered if the Angel of Death's reappearance would foreshadow Piper's death like his first did for Prue's? Kind of did, and would have completely if not for Avatar!Leo. This is the 5th time Piper has properly died (S1 finale, impaled by Prue in S3, S3 finale, & 2 episodes ago) and 4th for Phoebe (S1 finale twice and disintegrated in 5x8). I always think of Sarpedon as Liam, because he played a recurring character called Liam on another show.

Alyssa Bernd

Fun Fact: That demon Aku is the same dude who played The Source

Ed Green

Also he has the same name as the demonic villain of Samurai Jack (who was also, in a way, the source of all evil)