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Bear was framed! But seriously, this was a good episode. Reese does prove Root wrong in every way, but I understand why you'd have a dim view of people if you went through what she did (not enough to become a murderer to the extent she is, but just in general.) Carter offering to buy a Fusco a drink after all of her suspicion last season was wholesome as was the Reese/Finch reunion, love all of our team; Carter and Reese in Texas were great, too.


Love the way that Root dismisses John as Finch's 'knuckle-dragging friend'... but still shows genuine appreciation for his helping put Hanna to rest in the end.


Root is an enjoyable psycho. You can sympathize with how she was disillusioned and set on this path... even though she's obviously gone beyond excusable actions since then. The way Amy Acker plays her is brilliant... very sharp... and casually & playfully dangerous.


Yeah, on TV I'm fine with revenge as long as it's the right person. Root having Russell killed doesn't bother me anymore than Reese killing Peter (I know it's a little iffy for people giving there were other Americans in the prison but I think Peter is dead, it was too personal to Reese just like Hanna/Russell was to Root..) It's when her "Bad Code" view extends to threatening innocent people, and kidnapping Finch does her psychosis goes too far. Amy, I think, does her best work/takes her acting to a new level, with Michael which elevates these two episodes too.


As someone that works in a call centre I can relate to the operator mishearing the letters S and F and getting it wrong. On the other hand I do laugh every time when the sheriff is all “this case has haunted this department for 20 years” but they have a clear as day call recording of the full license plate for the perp and didn’t manage to solve it 😂