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Root isn't here, but definitely not forgotten. Finch's PTSD (which I think Reese may have been anticipating) didn't take up a lot of the episode but was well done none the less. It makes sense for it to kick into high gear while working a case, since going to pick up "Caroline" is when Root got him. On the Bear front, Finch is every parent who didn't want the family to get a dog but ended up being it's best friend. Reese and Sofia were fun. Kara gives us no shortage of villainous brunettes, though I can't say I feel sorry for Snow.


Going on a catch-up binge right now. I went on a trip after 2x02... dealing with a memorial and all sorts of estate stuff with family. I kept up with most other reactions, but decided to save up all the POI ones. Now I can sink into them. Bear is such a good boy. Giving Finch something wholesome to focus on... and giving unconditional emotional support. And it was a tragic way to get a wake-up call... but Sofia really did some growing here, thanks to John. Can't say that I feel too bad for Mark Snow... since he had no problem taking out John & Kara. They're just not so easy to get rid of.