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I'll be vague to avoid spoiling the surprise but you are right, cheers could be heard 😄


Cole couldn't be brought back in the same way cause hes not in "the wasteland" but i do agree he should've come back for the final season with a full resurrection and redemption but that doesn't happen in the show. There are comics though...


I definetely agree, they could've handled bringing back the source much better than they did, because that was... Clearly not well thought through to say the least. And of course the infamous moment of Paige forgeting she was around when they vanguished the source 😅 I mean, of all the continuity for writers to forget, they really picked an unimportant detail... I really like the idea you brought up that Source could have been linked not only to "Mandi" but Wyatt as well, that would definetely have been an intriguing possibility for a storyline. Though despite the issues with The Source plot I still always enjoy watching this episode - there's a lot of fun moments in there. Paige's "blah blah" date is for sure one of more memorable funny random scenes of this show for me and there was a lot great moments with Wyatt, Leo and Piper too.


I know the writers sometimes changed between seasons but Paige asking how did you do it last time, when she was there for both of them is insane, he's probably the most important vanquish in the series and not one editor or writer picked up on it