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Finch couldn’t let Hersh kill Root because he can't sign off on murder no matter what she's done and then not even having her sent to prison at the end but having her committed shows how compassionate he is, imo. He views her as actually crazy so he went for help over punishment. Finch looking at Nathan's body, then Grace wa so heartbreaking. 3 calls at the end was great. I'm so glad the season didn't end with Reese and Finch on bad terms, it would've been easy and rather cheap drama. Reese doesn't shy away from admitting his mistakes so saying his changing moment was the airport and he understood Finch doing what he did is why their friendship works so well. Ultimately though, POS Peter is why Jessica is gone not Reese or Finch. Reese and Shaw are so badass together especially in God Mode, the wedding save was so funny. Carter's evolution this season has been such a cool arc. Elias explained his code this episode and I think that's a lot like how Carter feels about HR and good/bad in general now. She nearly went to prison for John because she views him being able to help people as worth the risk, she can see Lionel is worth saving because he's a redeemable guy unlike his former HR "friends." HR are oath breaking weasels and she's a good person pushed too far by them that she even sees the benefit of saving Elias (though i also think she views it as morally wrong to let one bad person murder another like Finch not letting Special Council/Hersh kill Root because she's done bad things.) I love it. This was a long comment but I love the episode and the season and I can't wait for season 3.


Love that Shaw was living for some payback with Root. But still just winged her. Better than a kneecap. Poor Root seemed in a daze after not finding the machine... until the phone rang for her, too.


God Mode refers to Root and Reese essentially having the full power of a God at their behest. This is the episode where it kinda sank in for me what The Machine must see and know.