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Schedule has been fixed up now. Proofreading is something I should consider xD

Hopefully you did not have a double take at the title. But here's how we're closing things for this year. I had to make sure not to go crazy since I did plan on doing what I did last year and splitting things across the final two weeks of the year. Normal service shall indeedy resume on January 1st (technically since that's the beginning of the week but Imma be hungover I fear xD)



Sophie Gutschlag

When is the OUAT final coming out?

Sophie Gutschlag

It tells me it’s locked and I need to follow but I do. Is it under a different Patreon membership?


Ooop. Todays is 2x20 (i originally was trying to get S2 done before 2023 ended until I realised not to overdo it). So today is 20, and 21 is on the 30th 😅


I’ve just had a check and it was accidentally under the $10 only. Thank you so much, I’ve sent a notification alerting people they can now watch it 😅

Susan Stork

HI Liam, i'm assuming for the 23rd and 29th for Supernatural, you meant episodes 22 and 23, right? I think you already posted 21. Maybe you're already hungover:)


I would be impressed xD No, you’re right. I keep thinking there’s 22 episodes for SPN S7 rather than the extra episode for this season 😁

Nikki clark

Can't wait for your reaction to season 2 finale of TVD loving your reaction to Klaus so far