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Amanda P

Ahhh Liam you added young royals!!! I'm so excited

Pex Loaniceva

Vampire Diaries 2x21??

Ed Green

B99 6x11&12?


That will be “07 and 08”. I forgot to update things after using a new template for the Christmas schedule 😅 it’s hard to believe I’m halfway at S6 for B99

Eddie Green (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 22:51:46 But eventually we all got to host it
2023-12-31 19:04:15 But eventually we all got to host it

But eventually we all got to host it

Zuko Halliwell

Not to sound pushy, but it's Friday and you still haven't posted the new B99 reaction.

Zuko Halliwell

Just out of curiosity, did you react to the first Chicken Run, or had you seen it before you started doing reactions?


Oh I saw it way before I even knew what reactions were, this just hits me in the nostalgia getting to see its sequel

Ed Green

Friday at 10.18pm (9.37pm when you posted). Most of Liam's posts are between 11pm and midnight.