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In which Lanessa decides to work her magic to draw out more of Sophia's ... potential :D Of course the duchess is happy to oblige, but when Cerene's wet pussy is spread out right in front of you there's only so long you can resist it :P 

Grab the zip file from the attachments and use the password to unzip part 3! 

The password is: vdayset3

(Make sure you type the password yourself, if copy and paste doesn't work!) 




It's excellent!So what will you update next week?


Cerene really needs to get pounded, hard.


I am not wrong, right? Both Cerene and Lanessa suddenly become female?


Really great work. Can´t wait for the next release. @ntdkg: I´m quiet ok with that. Remember it´s vampire magic ; ) btw in the beginning I haven´t been sure about Sophias boob size, but now I quiet love it to be different from Lanessas and Cerenes.


I have not even downloaded this yet but OH MY GOD !!!! *SPLOOGE* - these pic sets are way more awesome than I thought they'd be. All of the ones released through this page have been so amazing.


How do Cerene and Lenessa's dick gone after 019? Did their magic wear off? Or Did magic have some constrain? Like in BL:DC and after that Cerene has to disappear her dick before growing Sophia's dick. (I know she don't have plan to grow her in the beginning.) Another wild question, Right now Cerene use only Growth magic and Lenessa use Expansion magic, what if Cerene use another magic to expand and Lenessa use another magic to grow Sophia's dick. Doesn't it mean Sophia could get two dicks with extra long size? lol

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

What the fucking fuck! Where did the cocks go?!.....why are Lanessa and Cerene switched all of a sudden? Guessing Triscuit will make an appearance in set 4? can't get any worse. How did we go from the Xmas set to this? I can't believe how immensely wasted the potential for this set has been. T_T


What a lovely spell. Good thing that it not only grows Sophias dick but as it seems, also makes her 10 times more aroused which in turn means that Cerene is gonna get it goooood

Space Banker

Making Sophia's dick longer was the best option. I think it honestly made her look more proportional since she has no nut-sack and balls. I hope it stays that way. Even though the girls have no clits, I gotta commend you on the lighting and Cerene's facial expressions. Excellent.


Dark lannesa is so hot I can’t


Where did Cerene's cock go? D;


Not a fan of, well, pretty much anything in this set to be honest. Dicks don't need to be bigger, it's getting ridiculous. Glad you reduced the number at least. At any rate, kinda hope for this set to pass and another one to come.

John Douglas

Hope she gets vampire powers Sophia


Would really like to see more details like clits. Also enough with the even bigger cocks. They were big enough. Any news about the next movie?


Yeah, the "continuity error" of swapping Lanessa and Cerene is pretty jarring. As for everyone wondering where the cocks went, only Cerene has been "feminized" to lose her cock. Lanessa still has hers, but in most of the camera angles Cerene's body is in the way so you can't see Lanessa's cock behind Cerene's shoulders and breasts. For what it's worth, I'm of the opinion that using gigantism on Sophia is ... kinda silly, and not really all that respectful of the intelligence of the audience. CAN it be done? Well, "obviously" it can be done ... but SHOULD it have been done? I'd say that no ... it shouldn't have. It adds nothing (aside from extra inches that weren't needed to begin with). The thing I find most disappointing about the turn to gigantism for Sophia is the precedent it sets, in which there are no RULES to Vampire Magic ... just Plot Holes™.


Cerene in her G form. Now its getting interesting. Love her facial expression and how she offers herself.


who's dick's gone?? they won't use they're whole range of magic, but at least one more little magic trick planned


few more parts planned for sure, have a lot fun positions planned for this set... loving it, personally xD and yes a good amount of DG/ G action


gotta be honest, I'm the wrong destination for keeping dick sizes in check :P ... more wips on the way and agreed more pussy detail, just going to go for more pussy sex to encourage work on that


Couple of suggestions: Before the "magic", all of the dicks we've seen have been the same size and width. I'm not saying shrink them, but some variety would be fun. Cerene's should be the thickest, IMO. ;P Also, can they use their "cock magic" to increase Sophia's tit size too? :D


Maybe Cerene can use her magic again on Sophia to give her a second cock at her new size, so Lanessa doesn't has to miss a good blowjob; while Cerene gets fucked. ;) It's still V-day!


BTW I absolutely love this stuff. What is wrong with me? lol

Space Banker

Miro is dabbing on everybody. They're doing a dick reveal I think in the next set of images, hopefully with an erection. Also, I'd like to see an x-ray with anatomically accurate futas. Since purists claim that futanari really has no external balls, but they're actually internal.


Why not show the moment when Cerene's lost her dick?


Ugh, no thanks. Please leave it here and not in the release content. People asking for 24+ inch, diaphragm-impaling, horse cock on the regular are starting to border on the absurd. The standard 14-15 inch proportions Sayako set the bar with should be more than enough to satisfy people looking for exaggerated sizes.


Everyone keeps mentioning that Cerene's dick disappeared, I'm over here noticing that Cerene and Lanessa switched places... What's going on consistency-wise?


I may not be a mathematician, but I see 3 hot girls but I don't see 3 dicks. The maths isn't adding up here... Joking aside, love your work but can't wait to see them all restored to futa gloryness!


Great thanks!

John Douglas

Cerene and lanessa are vampire they have vampire powers witch is soo hot they can have a dick.


Great to see some pussy


PUSSY !!!! :)


Cerene in her girl form is 999999/10 can´t wait for the next part!


Yeah Penis Expansion!!!


Sophia is the best.


It says extraction failed when I try to unzip file.


Did it not ask you for the password when you tried to unzip? If not, could you delete the zip file, clear your browser cache and retry downloading


Wanted to post the main event for this part for now. Still have to add a couple more images towards the end of the set which will add more to the flow of the set