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As far as previews go we’ve mainly focused on the sex positions in Bloodlust: Lanessa up until now. So it’s time to throw in some WIP images that show off more of the scenes leading up to the sex! :D Obviously hot sex is a big part of Bloodlust: Lanessa, but we’ll also learn more about the characters and their motives in this story. 

Not gonna drop any plot breadcrumbs, but looking at these images Sophia and Lanessa seem to be getting along just fine :D 

Also, please note these are wips so some stuff is still being tweaked :P 

You can grab the WIP images from the attachments! 




It looks like Cerene is bound by magic.


Aaaand suddenly I need another 10 minute break from my desk... lol :D I can't get enough of these girls!


Looks like Cerene is gonna get a pounding


Love how Sophia's expression to show how she's going to do next. Is that new Cerene's outfit? Should and some chain on her bangle and anklet.:) IMO And how it's silver instead of her red armor. Did she has "Marie Antoinette syndrome" from fucking so hard?(Even her crown still red)


Nice. Looks like some of these also make nice wallpapers


Wow , I believe that’s going to be my favorite porn of all time.... looks like : “alright bitch,time for some dick!!!”

Space Banker

I think Cerene's hair would like more feminine if she had it down on both sides.


I guess Lanessa had it removed. Cerene's gear gave her too much dicks per second.

John McCarthy

Looks like there's going to be a dick dance ... seems like they mean business ...

Bob Fink

These look so awesome!


Alright, something I can finally draw on for theory crafting purposes when it comes to camera movements and camera angles! I'm just going to draw on the image(s) in 2D showing movement of the camera relative to the floor and then explain potential camera heights and angles here in the text for a proper 3D understanding of what I'm talking about doing with the camera. So 42h here gives us a decent overall view angle of the presumed setup for the scene. I'm assuming that this still image is from part of a Walk On opening, in which Sophia and Lanessa are literally walking forwards towards Cerene, who is "bound" on the platform and presumably unable to shift her position (much) with those silver restraints on her wrists, upper thighs and ankles. <a href="https://i.imgur.com/EHaoovG.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/EHaoovG.jpg</a> So plotting the direction of Sophia's and Lanessa's movement on the floor as two parallel (dashed) lines, using a muted teal color, there are two possible camera moves that would be wonderful to see in terms of floor movement, which I've drawn in using muted pink and muted yellow arrows. The simplest movement is simply a straight line track from in front of Cerene between the parallel paths of Sophia's and Lanessa's walk so as to pass between them and get behind them as they walk forwards before reversing and rolling forwards again to return to the same spot where the camera started once Sophia and Lanessa are standing right in front of Cerene. I've drawn this camera movement track in the muted pink color. A more complex camera move would be a "loop around" Sophia and Lanessa as they walk forwards, with the camera moving in such a way as to cross in front of, then behind, and then in front of them again as they walk into the room, until the camera comes to a stop on the other side of Cerene at the platform once Sophia and Lanessa have finished walking up to the platform with Cerene on it. I've drawn this camera move in the muted yellow color. Ironically, of these two basic camera moves for Sophia's and Lanessa's Walk On appearance/introduction here, I'm thinking that the simplest of the straight line track in between them would be the most problematic if Sophia and Lanessa were to walk PAST the camera, such that the camera view would need to swivel/point/turn to follow their movement as the camera moves past them. However, I think I've found an acceptable solution to this challenge. So for both camera moves … the straight line down the middle, or the loop around Sophia and Lanessa as they're striding forwards towards Cerene, would be for the camera angle to be Tracking Sophia's position from the start of the camera movement, while keeping Lanessa comfortably inside the frame at all times (while possible) so as to see them both while they're walking forwards. Once the camera's movement and Sophia's and Lanessa's movement has carried the camera to a position behind Sophia and Lanessa, so as to see them both from behind walking towards Cerene (mmm, undulating asses…) … the camera will switch Tracking from Sophia to Lanessa as the camera makes the return move to the platform that Cerene is on. For the straight line move down the middle, the would mean that the camera will "watch" Sophia first as it slides past her while she walks forwards, turning counter-clockwise to keep her in frame as the camera moves past her while she walks forwards, but slowing the movement travel of the camera as she walks past it. Once the camera stops moving and starts reversing to slide back along the floor to Cerene, the turn of camera angle to track Sophia doesn't "stop" with Sophia in frame, but instead continues the flat spin turn to begin tracking Lanessa as both Sophia and Lanessa continue walking forwards. The camera then continues tracking Lanessa as the camera begins sliding forwards towards the platform Cerene is on, overtaking Lanessa as she strides forward, with the camera turning to "watch" her walk alongside and then "towards" the camera as the camera overtakes and outpaces her advance towards Cerene. All of the turning of the camera here would be in a (relatively) flat spin counter-clockwise direction so as to track first Sophia's position, then Lanessa's position, as the camera slides between them, first against the direction of their walking (camera closes as they move forwards) and then after passing them with the direction of their walking (so as to overtake and retreat in front of them while they continue forwards). For the loop around move, the idea is substantially similar, except that the camera turn is all clockwise instead of counter-clockwise due to moving the camera around Sophia and Lanessa on the outside of their movement rather than between them on the inside. The camera starts to one side of Cerene in front of the platform and while tracking Sophia crosses in front of their walking movement as they stride into the room. While the camera "wraps around" behind Sophia as she and Lanessa are walking forwards, the Tracking of the camera shifts from Sophia to Lanessa as the camera continues to move around and catch up to Sophia and Lanessa while they continue walking forwards until they stop in front of Cerene at the platform. Now obviously, this kind of thing will work a lot better if Sophia and Lanessa are "leisurely sauntering" forward towards Cerene in more of a provocative "slow walk" for maximum sex appeal with plenty of time to appreciate the swinging cocks, seeing Lanessa's balls "ride" her inner thighs as she strides, and the soft body physics "jiggle" of breasts and asses (and leg muscles, can't forget the legs!) … rather than doing any kind of "quick march" across the floor to just get this part over with and move on to the next bit, which will presumably be a confrontation with dialogue. I'm thinking that this … entrance … into the scene by Sophia and Lanessa really should NOT be rushed for the sake a saving (read: skimping) on render time. If you want to do a fast walk on, miro, save that for the Fun Stuff(?) section … and I say that because I want to WATCH Sophia and Lanessa striding in their high heels and be able to SAVOR the "poetry in motion" of seeing them move while the camera "lovingly" captures every moment of their seductive allure while simply walking forwards. In fact, I'd even say that if your rendering budget will allow it, I'd even go so far as to say that choosing strategic moments of Slow Motion (complete with slowed sound, for that Walk Of Giants™ effect) as the camera moves past/around Sophia and Lanessa, so as to be able to admire (drink in?) their sensuality and VERY obvious sexual attributes would be a major plus! Now, so far, I've just been talking about (and drawing on) the provided pic in terms of where to put the camera relative to the ground plane of the floor. In terms of height above the floor, there are multiple(!) options here. One option would be to put the camera at a height of just above the plane of the platform, so about Cerene's ankle bracelet height and around ankle height of Sophia and Lanessa on their high heels … and just let the camera "float" around at ankle height looking UP at Cerene, Sophia and Lanessa as the camera moves around its floor track positioning for an ankle high view of everything. Another option would be to put the camera at the height of Cerene's neck, so as to be able to see into Cerene's cleavage (a little) or ass crack if the camera looks at her from the right position, and then follow the ground tracks I've laid out above, maintaining height above the floor (at crotch level for Sophia and Lanessa) while moving. A third option would be to put the camera at head height for Sophia and Lanessa, so as to be angling down slightly the entire time (so as to keep their feet in frame the whole way and follow the ground tracks that I've described. And then there are the "swooping curves" of having the camera vary in height as it moves around Cerene, Sophia and Lanessa while Sophia and Lanessa walk forwards. So, for example, you could have the scene start with the camera behind Cerene near the center point of the platform she's on, looking THROUGH Cerene's open legs towards Sophia and Lanessa standing in the doorway. You then have the camera begin moving towards Sophia and Lanessa, between Cerene's open thighs, angling upwards as it goes to track Cerene's crotch "overhead" and taking Sophia and Lanessa out of frame due to the upwards pivot of the camera as it moves. But then, Sophia and Lanessa start walking forwards while the camera "isn't watching" (because it's focused on looking up between Cerene's legs while sliding under her) and the clicking sound of those heels on the stone floor echoing through the room is what causes the camera to "stop staring at Cerene's crotch" and instead pivot back down/forwards so as to see Sophia and Lanessa starting their walk towards Cerene. However, as the camera moves towards Sophia and Lanessa, it doesn't stay at shin/knee height for Sophia and Lanessa, but rather rises up as the camera moves towards them until reaching shoulder height while passing (and tracking) Sophia. But once Sophia has walked past the camera, the camera begins sinking downwards while changing the tracking from Sophia to Lanessa, preferably at the same time as crossing the height of the lower back/ass/thighs until reaching the height of Lanessa's knees. The camera then continues its ground track, reaching the height of Lanessa's knees while overtaking her as Lanessa continues striding forwards, and then beginning to slowly rise in height again in front of Lanessa until reaching head height for Cerene. You then have the option of having the camera move into a position that is essentially "over Cerene's shoulder" looking at Lanessa and Sophia (and their swinging cocks) as Lanessa and Sophia come to a stop in front of Cerene and stand in poses intended to excite the audience. Extra bonus points for having an over the shoulder view from slightly behind Cerene that includes the swell of Cerene's breasts at the bottom of the screen/frame while including as much of Sophia and Lanessa from head to high heeled toes as possible. Another option for 3D height control of the camera would be for it to stay at "between Cerene's thighs" height while rolling forwards toward Sophia and Lanessa as they walk, and then when passing them have the camera begin to rise only once it is turning to track Sophia in profile, so as to be at ass height once the camera is past Sophia and switching tracking from Sophia to Lanessa, and then continue rising to about shoulder height on Lanessa as the camera overtakes her on the return in front of her and stays at that shoulder height for the remainder of Sophia's and Lanessa's walk into the scene while the camera is retreating in front of them. Now, because you're obviously setting both Sophia and Lanessa to walk in such a way as to put each foot in front of the other for the maximum (sexiest) hip swing while stepping forwards, there isn't going to be any "room" between the legs of either Sophia or Lanessa for a direct walkover of the camera, because their legs would clip through the space occupied by the camera unless the camera was actively "weaving" under them to avoid their legs as they stride … but any (all?) of the options I'm giving you here would certainly come in as being "close enough" to achieving the same purpose as what I was originally proposing all those years ago. Also, I want to make an especial mention of yet another option for a camera angle that this scene is begging for. Cerene PoV "waking up" with her head slumped forwards and looking down into the cleavage between her own breasts (which would be entirely within camera frame) and then having the PoV tilt up to see Sophia and Lanessa lounging/leaning against the frame of the doorway on either side. Play with the focus a bit so as to give the PoV a "regaining senses" vibe … and THEN switch to a not-PoV view for the walk in, using the camera move(s) that I've described above for Sophia and Lanessa to approach Cerene. And I know that both Sophia and Lanessa are already erect when they're walking in here, but you really ought to take as much care and attention with this … entrance … by Sophia and Lanessa as you would with an Erection Scene, because that's what's really called for here. If Sophia and Lanessa close the distance to Cerene in under 10 seconds, you're committing Erotica Malpractice™ again. That's because HOW you have Sophia and Lanessa "enter" this space and this setting is going to "set the stage" for EVERYTHING that comes afterwards … kind of like how having Tara and Sayako walk into their set at the beginning of G4E then "set the stage" for everything that happened there too. Remember, even if your characters aren't saying anything … it's not Exposition … it's SEXposition … so rushing things to get them over with in a hurry will only ruin the intensity of what you're trying to accomplish. Your move, miro.

John McCarthy

"" Hey IBT "" bigdaddy here , you would of been perfect if you were around when are forefathers was doing up the declaration of independence ...


Really nice! The red glow on everything was too much in Royal Descent so it's great to see the more subdued blue and skin tones closer to something normal. Gotta say it's a little weird to see Sophia this OK being involved in vampire 'politics', or perhaps she already feels she has a place in this strange new world and just wants to give 'something' back to Cerene? Hope we don't get a motivation in just 2 lines of dialogue :D. I presume Cerene's cuffs will be linked. Will it be with chains or something magic? Also, how will they be linked? Arms to thighs and feet together or will the feet be chained to the thighs as well so she can't even get up? Anyway, awesome stuff with the bondage. Hope at least part of it survives in the next scenes. Have to ask about the cocks. The visual of the girls walking all erect towards Cerene is pretty cool, but wouldn't it be better to have Cerene make them hard? Is there even a growing big scene or are both dgirls instantly hard? I know Bloodlust takes place in fantasyland, but it would be awesome to see a dick 'raise' scene again. You did it for Tristan (mercifully short I may add), hope you do it for Lanessa and Sophia as well and it would be a CRIME not to show something like this when you get back to G4E :D. How many scenes are you planning for this release?


Hey bigdaddy ... it's just hard to adequately describe complex 3D camera moves around moving objects/people in 140 characters or less. If I could do rough animations demonstrating the 3D moves so I didn't have to write everything in text, I would.


Honestly, I'm okay with having Sophia and Cerene "entering" with hard cocks, but think it would be fabulous to have more than one cumshot during everything and have the dickgirls go flaccid after their cumshot(s) so that they can then be shown getting erect again for "Round 2+" with enough time spent to be able to appreciate their erections growing on them (so to speak) ...


More from the white Lanessa pls :)


No criticism towards the images as it's just my personal preference, I would much rather see both Sophie and Lanessa walk towards Cerene flaccid. She could then get to work by making them hard. Or just have dialogue for an X amount of time and whilst the dialogue is happening, both girls are getting erect with Cerene glancing between them as they grow. Nothing against the images as I do love them. Much prefer this look than the red filter Royal Descent had.


Love that smirk on Sophia's face! :) And, a teaser... ankle and wrist cuffs on Cerene? :):)


Please please please tell me cerene has a dick too, it's just out of sight of the camera right??

John McCarthy

I did kind of like the glow in the dark dick ... if lights went out it could point the way ... hah ha ... oh there you are ...


I don't mind Cerene going dick-less for at least part of the new series -- particularly if she's about to get spitroasted by two massive cocks! Her pussy looked fucking good in the last photo set -- I wouldn't mind a view of it unobstructed by her giant balls.


Wow, I love those pictures. Like to see them walking :-)


White Lanessa won't be in the main release, but she might turn up again a future mini set :)


Love the lighting! Oh and can´t wait to see female Cerene in actiuon :D