WIP Train #25: Lanessa's Body Measurements (Patreon)
Hey all, Marie here today. In May, we shared Sophia’s measurements with you, and now we’re back with Lanessa’s. Have a look at those numbers... Can you imagine what one of Lanessa’s tits might feel like in one hand. Do you think you can handle her?
Oh, don’t forget that Lanessa shares a model with our work-in-progress Sayako model. The numbers you see here will be fairly similar to what Sayako ends up with (though there may still be some tweaks) so if you wanted an idea of her updated measurements, now you’ve got it.
Anyway, the reason I decided to jump in for today’s post is because I wanted to talk boobs. A few of you noted that the measurements in Sophia’s measurement post seemed off, referring to the fact that she has a 12 inch difference between her bust and underbust measurements… For those of you unfamiliar with bra fitting, this means our dainty duchess would wear anything from an F to an L cup bra in the real world. Sounds pretty big for a girl we all think of as “the one with the small breasts” but really, we only think of Sophia in that way because we’re comparing her Cerene and Lanessa. In reality, Sophia is a very well endowed girl, and if you ran into her on the street you’d probably remember the encounter for the rest of your life.
And if you met Lanessa on the street… Well, you’d probably drop to your knees and worship her, thinking you’d met a goddess. Lanessa’s 19 inch difference between bust and underbust would have her nearing the end of the alphabet lettering system, after all.
With all that said, it’s probably worth mentioning that modern bras in the real world are designed to both support the breast for comfort and enhance the shape for aesthetics. Even an unpadded bra will change the shape of the natural breast, making it perkier and fuller on top. There’s some exceptions of course, but most breasts in the real world just don’t hang as nicely as the A3D girls’ do. Really, the A3D girls all look like they’re wearing invisible bras, which is sort of the effect surgical breast implants and boob lifts do in the real world.
Anyway, the TLDR is Sophia’s measurements in the last post probably are correct because she’s not a boring earth girl, she’s a 3DX babe made of pixels and filled with sunshine and raspberry jello.