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Part 5 of The Seed of Rebirth is done and ready for your consumption. Calista said it best in the comments of the 4.5 post “Cerene doesn't play around.”

You can download the set using the links in the attachments below. As usual the zip files require a password to open, which you'll find below. Use a free zip extractor like WinZip, 7zip, Keka (for Mac users), or Rar (for Android users) if you're having trouble opening the file.

The password for both zip files is: Cuddles

For those of you asking for a little lick before Cerene gets down to business, miro managed to squeeze that in for ya 🙂

You’ll likely notice that Cerene has received a little boost in the dick department for this image set. We haven’t measured her dick officially, but it’s something in the area of 17-18”. There are some angles where it looks bigger, but other than the initial boost there are no changes to the size between shots. As a heads up, this isn’t a permanent change for her, we just didn’t want her to look so small next to Raven. At this length she’s bigger than she was in Royal Descent, but still smaller than Raven by a bit.

Cerene also received a slight boob boost for this set (some of you have commented on it in earlier posts) but it's probably not as noticeable as with her cock. Miro has assured us that the team is “doing what we can to keep things from getting out of hand.”

As always, feedback is welcome.




Appreciate the size boosts and Raven's exposed breasts. Please DO let it get out of hand. Thanks for the hard work. Looks great.

Bob Fink

Totally awesome!


Actually looked at the set after my first comment, Cerenes dick is gorgeous. 🥳

John Doe

Model feedback: I think they're great. I know there's some...arbitrary and individual size limit for everyone, and I'm not even sure what mine would be (probably until I see it), but you haven't hit it yet, so bigger is better. Set feedback: I'm happy part 4 has an "ending", so to speak, as you lost me once it moved over to d on d in part 5. The quality is great, as usual, but alas, the subject matter is not my thing.


Will there be Third female treasure hunter involved as double penetration? Seem no it is too long shot now. Sad Or left cliffhanger like two have too much fun as dick got soften then Sophia/Third character entered their dick is all rampage again with text "end?"


Bloodlust update would be sweet :)


Another amazing set! Love Raven size, and that a human is bigger then a vampire! Cant' wait for more!


The boob bump is welcomed. The balls need a bump to match the dick.


Did miro forget the bulges?

Glen Ponder

The dick-lick turned out soo nice, thank you! But even nicer is how small her hands are compared to dat monsterrrr :)


Yea this has way passed the point of ridiculousness size-wise, and I love futa on futa....


Waited all this time and no bulge!?


If we're doing absolute monster cocks (which is fine), shouldn't there be more effect when they're used? Instead, they just go in and kinda disappear.


Lol at the dick lick. Would have worked even better if Cerene then spat on Raven's ass :D. Liked the clothes tear all over this set. Hope to see more stuff like this. Still over the top in size department so for me it's still in the not really that sexy zone. Kinda disappointed there is no real focus on the penetration. It seems to me that in this set in particular way few images focus on the vaginal and anal penetration. In this new update there is only one picture where you show Cerene penetrating Raven (AS08_the-Seed-of-Rebirth_Part05_21.jpg). You missed really good opportunities to give us more money shots for the from behind position and especially the missionary one, since that is quite rare for you (more time should have been spent there). Compare this to how much attention blowjobs receive. This has been a really big issue for me with this set and I hope to see the trend reversed in the future.


Needs more autofelatio. Lel. :P


Side effect of the girls being Hollow Emptiness™ inside with no internal organ structures for reference. Once you're past the openings, they're just empty air ... so there's no automatic computation of the action/reaction needed for bulges. Bulges basically need to be done by hand, so it's easy to miss them/forget to do them ... and even when they are remembered, it's all too easy to do them wrong (see multiple miro releases where skin looks like plastic cling wrap on body horror). Worse, not all artists even LIKE doing bulges (miro has a reported aversion to throat bulges, for example, thinks it doesn't "look sexy" to see). So it is definitely an undervalued skill among a subset of 3DX artists.


Personal opinion ... the dick lick would have been better if Cerene had stayed her original size (she only "grew" in length for the dick lick) and had to lean down further to get her tongue on the head of her own cock (so change of posing). Agreed that Cerene could (and should!) have used more saliva on Raven's ass (some anilingus was called for) before she inserted her cock into Raven's ass ALL TOO EASILY as shown. I mean, it only took ... what ... 1 extra frame before Cerene was balls deep in Raven's butt? Agreed (again) on the remarkably poor choice of camera positions and angles that somehow manage to maximize the ambiguity of the penetration itself. Big rush to shove poles into holes and then deny the opportunity to SAVOR seeing it being done. Sadness for missed opportunities, yet again. It's almost as if miro doesn't understand that Insertions Are A THING™ that need to be SEEN in order to be celebrated. Just showing it ONCE doesn't cut it. You need to keep circling back to showing insertions ... repeatedly ... otherwise they lose their impact and power to arouse (and inspire sympathy). If all you do is full body shots where you're taking in the entirety of the scene, but with no attention paid to showing close ups of the insertions, let alone the REACTIONS to those insertions(!), you fail at providing adequate perspective and context for everything that's going on in the scene. The result is a sense of voyeur's distance from the action with a kind of Museum Rules sense of what's going on ... where you can SEE but can't TOUCH (because the camera is too far away from everything, trying to "see it all" in a way that's counterproductive) ... rather than putting the audience IN the scene where they can sympathetically get INTO what's happening by getting closer (with the camera) to the participants, and what they're doing. So you need to have BOTH types of shots for a scene to make it really good. The shots where the camera is far away from the action provides context and setting, so you can see everything that's happening ... but you also need close ups of the action to be able to make the audience feel like they are participating in the scene too(!) in a way that helps them sympathize with the action going on in the scene. You then weave your way (as the camera director) between close up and far shots so as to give a more complete totality of scene than simply watching it happen from a (safe, boring) distance. For reference, rewatch the clips of the Amazon position scene in G4E, where Tara is RIDING Sayako's cock. There you have a wonderful blend of camera positions that show everything in context and also close ups of the penetration in context to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. The entire scene is more compelling and arousing for the inclusion of both near and far perspectives on the action. Either that or miro is just embarrased about SEEING Cerene fuck her cock (all too easily...) into butts. Given what Cerene did with Sophia in Royal Descent that might be unlikely, but we have evidence now in this set and in Cyberpunk that he spends more time NOT showing what's going on than giving clear camera angles that let the audience SEE what they're watching and waiting for. Bad form, old chap.


Agreed. When you've got cocks THAT BIG ... skipping over licking the tip, either to pleasure yourself or to tease/tempt/torment your partner, is just a wasted opportunity. And when you've got cocks THAT BIG and you fuck them balls deep into your partner, but then don't lick the tip after pulling out of them before reinserting ... that's another wasted opportunity. Granted, Ass To Mouth might not be a fan favorite for everyone ... but spearing balls deep into a pussy and then licking the accumulation of pussy juices off the tip of your own cock while looking into the eyes of your partner (so as to show off and arouse them even more) while FLAUNTING how fucking sexy you BOTH are ... well ... let's just say it's a shame that miro hasn't figured this one out yet ...


can we make the dicks thicker if they're going to be that long, the length to girth seems off, maybe go back to a shorter ( obvi still huge but less pole like) and bring up the girth


I discovered some clipping in pic 29... Cerene's dick is clipping through Raven's belly right beneath Raven's top.


Yeah, yet another Uncanny Valley drop off point. Make them too long without being wide enough (length to width ratio) and they either start looking like pool noodles or tentacles.




The most disappointing thought right now is the reality that if this dreaded new 2020 Patreon pace isn't immediately nuked from orbit with the fury of an Imperial Exterminatus... ...It might be a year or more before we see Raven or Even Bigger Boobed Cerene in motion via an animation from this set. 😢


I'm sure you've considered this, but there's so many "pls make bigger" comments I just want to add some counterbalance. I get it's for image sets and not for the main productions. Totally great. The concept of "We didn't want her to look so small next to Raven" worries me slightly that if taken too far in future works, ultimately means missing out on some super fun stuff in favor of all the futas looking the same in the futa department. For instance, if I were to look at a potential Miroverse Wikipedia, say 5 years down the line. I'd find it to be a very dull place if all the girls were like, 15-17 inches long and similarly girthy to each other. It seems to be a common trend to always go bigger, and that's totally understandable. A new character is a great place to experiment with breaking boundaries. That's what Raven's focus seemed to be. The problem seeps in when people (whether it's artist driven or fanbase driven) arbitrarily say "Well Cerene is a big boss bitch, so she can't be outdone."" and you end up with everyone being within a few inches of each other in length so no one is upset, (except Raven, she'd be pretty upset). There are people on every front that establish the boundaries for what's exceptional. But in order for that to happen in the grand scheme, there have to be people that fall underneath that boundary, and even more that fall under it by a greater degree still. Basically, it's the paradox of everyone being exceptional means that no one is exceptional. I just hope some characters are allowed to be exceptional in certain areas when paired off with each other.




Meh, some people like a little hyper. Doesn't need a diatribe to counter.


I think I organized it pretty well. And I think I was pretty fair to people who want to go bigger. Raven's your girl in that department. If it was a diatribe, I'd have used way harsher language. It's just feedback, my dude.


Some people can't read/think/comprehend anything longer than 140 characters. Don't let it get to you.


Could not agree more! Not sure why they haven't figured this one out, indeed!


Just potential thoughts-although I know “realism” was left far behind, after raven is tackled and forcefully drug to her unbeknownst pleasure, she maintains a full erection-wouldn’t we think if running in fear she’d soften a bit? Just food for thought but could be neat to see her “beginning to enjoy” Cerene’s aggression by getting hard all over again.


miro has a history of wanting to skip past erection events. Quickest way to do that is to never go flaccid after getting erect. Go figure ...


Giant ridiculous penises aside, a lot of the posing and expression in this particular installment is sloppy. There's a bit of the strange slack jawed awkward posing that appeared in some of the problem images from lady of the tower.


What can I say, I just love this set even if I agree a few thing may look off. The way it's overdone make it work anyway for me. In the last pictures (Part05-29/33/37) Raven's cock leaking a few drops of cum could be nice IMO


my fear has always been pairing 2 busty hung characters because of the inevitable arms race, hence the Sayako/ Tara, Cerene/ Sophia pairings, but with Cerene and Raven clashing, resistance is of course futile... maybe the increments are small enough for things not to get out of hand? ... donno, I'm clutching at straws here :P


Day 01: Please finish and drop Blood Crown


I'm reminded of the japanese culture/anime culture trope of the Indirect Kiss ... where drinking from a container that someone else has already drunk from means you're putting your lips where their lips have already been, thereby indirectly kissing that other person. Licking the tip of a (presumably longer than average) cock that has been (that deeply) inside someone else has that same sort of Indirect Licking kind of feeling to it ... except way sexier since the character(s) involved would presumably be doing it for both symbolism and exhibition in front of their sex partner for the greatest impact and meaning. It could also be done "secretively" so as to hide the action from other characters in the scene but for the purpose of sharing exclusively with the audience, but there the effect is to share the secret with the audience at the expense of anyone else in the scene "knowing" what just happened (and/or what it means). Point being, it turns into a kind of "I can lick you THIS DEEP if I want to!" exhibitionist thing, that can play up being able to "taste the source" which the length of tongue couldn't possibly be expected to reach. Depending on which fetishes that triggers for people, that can either be deliciously exciting (pun unintended, but I'll take it anyway) and also carry overtones of promise and temptation ... or it could be just a simple Taste Test™ ... depends on how it's done, I guess.


Even if a cock is too thick to fit INTO a mouth, there's no reason the mouth can't be used ON (and around) a cock that big. You'd be limited to kissing and licking (kind of like what you have to do on an inner thigh, for example). Insertion depth would be limited to "just the tip" due to an inability to open the mouth/jaw widely enough ... but you'd still be perfectly able to "drink from the source" when it comes to cumshots. The only thing you'd really be giving up would be deep throat penetration potential. Holes down below between the legs wouldn't have that problem ... so really, how much are you giving up to go thicker? Especially when considering you're not all that keen on deep throat cock bulges anyway ...


Please tell me you're not using the word "fixed" in the veterinary sense ...


miro, you're fixating (and thus allowing your audience to fixate) too strongly on pure size ... and not enough on character traits and personality that can make each individual UNIQUE. If the only thing you're measuring is the measuring tape, then that's the only thing that's going to matter to you (and therefore your audience). Point being, even if all the dickgirls have cocks that are (broadly speaking) the same size (15 inches long, 3.5 inches wide) in terms of tale of the tape measurements ... they can all still be individual and unique in terms of shape (taper here, thicker there), vascularization, coloration (pink vs angry red), symmetry (curve up/down/left/right), and so on and so forth so as to all be uniquely individual in character themselves in ways that just simple tape measurements do not do justice to.




You're not clutching at straws, I totally hear you. Those pairings make sense traditionally for all the right reasons. The only reason I bring it up is given your ambition, eventually it seems you're going to explore different dynamics to keep things interesting like two "thicc girls", or two thicc girls + a Sophia or Tara. For me, the best trait about your work is how your characters pop off the screen in ways other artist's don't. The little tweaks you made to Cerene's face between Bloodlust and Royal Descent for instance were fantastic. I feel a lot of that uniqueness, passion, and magic you invest in making original characters gets stifled when established attributes change out of fear, instead of being embraced. For instance, if Raven and Cerene were to have their own script, I'd love to see how Cerene would react to being initially outclassed by 5 inches in someone who didn't even need magic 😯. That's a great moment to create content off of! Maybe Cerene is undaunted, or more motivated to turn Raven with some seduction. Maybe at some later point, she does resort to matching Raven in size via magic, after exhausting other options. Either of these approaches lets Cerene's personality shine, and seems more fun than Cerene immediately being as big as Raven, with nobody in the script batting an eye. The arms race works fine for an image set though. Just thoughts for the future. I wouldn't ever be scared to put faith and stock in the characters you've created as they are, exploring the dynamics that result when you put them together. You put so much work into making them unique. Let that uniqueness breathe, fueling more creativity and fun 😁


It's been so long I forgot that I originally joined this Patreon when it launched to support Blood Crown specifically. I actually quite like the picture sets but that's not why I'm here. I was also imagining that in supporting BC the supporters here would get it free and/or discounted. I respect Affect3D and the staff involved. I am torn between remaining subbed, since I've already given A3D so much of my money over the months/years or just ending my subscription seeing as there is no hint of BC being finished anytime soon. I'm not writing this with the intention of being rude or malevolent and I don't mind having supported A3D at all. Just wanted to voice my concern regarding the development of BC, and A3D has every right to alter their original model so I have every right to alter my support as well lol. A3D rocks and Godspeed on the production. I know BC will be fucking amazing and I'll still buy it when it releases.


there are for sure girth limits, have you guys thought of different shapes like curved up or down, different head size etc?


I'm in the same boat. The main reason I joined was for w.i.p updates and sneak peaks at the franchise titles that made Miro so popular in the 3dx market. I also saw it as an investment, hoping it would get me a free or discounted price when Blood Crown finally did release, or that the subscription fees here would be justified by additional pictures, wallpapers and video content associated with main release titles. It's been two years since then, and honestly the only image sets I liked were some of the ones involving characters that were going to be in BC, since I figured they were additional fun packages from working on the main title. I've seen zero hint whatsoever though, that BC is even close to being finished and over half the additional content here is stuff I'm not interested in or is sadly lacking in quality compared to what I came for. I'm looking at you, angel/demon pair. You look like someone downloaded you straight from stock models in some random 3d assets folder. New year is a time for cleaning up unwanted rubbish around the house and this may get added to the pile, pending some christmas miracle. I'll just get the title in another 2 years when it's ready and save in the long term. Hell, the "good" image sets go up on Affect3D anyway for probably less than subscribing here for the 1-2 a year I actually want


I enjoyed that particular picture set but I feel similarly. I remember when the first post came out I saw those characters. I was like, 'you... you're not Cerene!'


fair points, Blood Crown stalled for some time because of unforeseen other critical projects, we'll go into more detail in this months update, but like every major project, we'll bring it to completion and do our best to improve but I totally understand those who don't like the sets enough to stay... having said that, we'll be evolving the sets as well, so there's lots I'm personally looking forward to