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Hey everyone, time for another text update! First up, Marie is wrapping up the Dropbox archive post and expects to have it posted for you in the near future.

Miro also reviewed some of your feedback regarding the polling system built into Patreon. Patreon currently offers two types of polling: a multi-selection system where users can select every option, and a single-selection system where users can select only one option. In the future when we are assessing which outfits patrons do and do not like, we think the multi-selection option makes sense. For final votes there’s probably no downsides to using the multi-selection option either, provided each poll is accompanied with a note to vote on all the options you’d be happy to have win. (That way some users aren’t selecting just one, only to realize later they should have selected several.) Let us know your thoughts on that, just in case we’re overlooking anything.

CyPunk 1000 Patrons Vaginal Sex Animation Winner -- This animation is now in miro’s queue for finishing touches. He’ll get to work on it once finishing touches on Flying High Part 5 are done.

The Seed of Rebirth Animation - The animators have begun setting up the two animations we had planned for TSOR. Those are the planking blowjob and the self-suck with anal pile driver. Miro is interested in extending the planking animation, and tasked Marie with drafting some potential dialogue for the position.

Flying High Image Set -- Miro is currently working on the finishing touches of part 5, and you can expect it sometime this week.

Fan Service Image Set -- The final outfit vote will be coming soon.


John Doe

I'm happy to see the attention on voting. The two systems described - plurality (pick one) and approval (pick any) differ vastly in the quality of information and outcome, with approval scoring *far* better than plurality - there's a whole body of electoral science to support this. The best of all would be STAR, but that's too new for most platforms to have it baked in, particularly platforms where voting is just a side note. In any event, between the two options, definitely go with approval. Doesn't really matter what one votes on - politicians or porn outfits - if there are more than two choices, approval is far better than plurality in just about every objective criterion (and many such criterion exist - backed by research!).

Andrew Rowe

Sounds like a step in the right direction. Just hope that you carry through. I want content not just voting. And keep the text updates to a minimum. Stick to content updates. After all that's what we're all here for, because we like the content created.


Rank voting, multi voting, is all well and good, but the real issues are 1) why are we voting on content more than content is being created 2) will the vote actually matter/be honored, or is it all just "creative suggestion," as it has panned out in the past. The whole process is starting to feel disingenuous, and it bums me out.


yay another text update yay


Voting just wastes time. Make the content then except feedback instead. IBT will be happy to write you a 30 page essay instead of doing 3 months of voting for a scene that will look nothing like the trail of votes it left behind.

Case Green

Yeah, I too am getting real tired of all talk-no action "updates". Who needs it?

Sean flag

Where are the first 4 parts of flying high?


There's a zip file in the post 3 posts below this latest one that has all parts done so far.


GIB Blood Crown!

Amber Lee

I think it would be wonderful to have miro himself write a post explaining how he will improve his process and pave a path for more video content in reasonable time frames, once a quarter year perhaps? I think it all feels so disconnected and almost as if the fan base is of no importance to him.


Hello Miro, Greetings. I hope that you are doing alright I just wanted to ask you maybe you could create a video in Bloodlust with Cerene having sex in this position "Sex with Splits on top" link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TxSUjZOmWrCX3Bc9nXDTTxQVLJMT3wua/view?usp=sharing Thank you. All the best for you in creating a new chapter of Bloodlust Cerene.


If he cared about the fans he'd drop the "founder's tier" and make those prices the universal price. The tactic of having a finite number of discounted tiers only serves to lock in patrons so that no matter how little content is made, people don't want to lose their discounted spot. We should be able to pause our subscriptions for the month(s) when there is a dearth of content. If he actually respected patrons, he'd pause the patreon himself like Nyl or DesireSFM do when they aren't putting out much. He's basically designed a price bracket that no matter how little content he produces, he has at least $3000 a month coming in.


Yeah mad respect pausing the Patreon charges during months when they knew they weren't going to have "meaningful" content released. It's definitely something they didn't have to do, but it was a huge show of professionalism to essentially say "Hey, I know I don't have anything substantive for you this month, I'm not going to charge for delivering nothing "